06-15 05:32 PM
H1b cap is 65k+ 20K for US master degree and remaining are exemptions. Total approimately 125K were issued on 2007.
Let H1B and L1 become unlimited. Anyone with right skills should be allowed to come and work in USA and earn. Even if it means salary of US programmers go down to $1 an hour or less.
Likewise allow all US citizens to come to India and apply for jobs. Let them compete with Indians in India. Let them live on $1/hr.
America should lead the wold by example and make this change in the policy and show the world that it cares for Democracy and equality.
This will make a level playing field for everyone and true globalization. What do you say Senthil1?
You are an anti-immigrant lurking on this forum. You people better watch out. Go tell this to Losers guild.
Let H1B and L1 become unlimited. Anyone with right skills should be allowed to come and work in USA and earn. Even if it means salary of US programmers go down to $1 an hour or less.
Likewise allow all US citizens to come to India and apply for jobs. Let them compete with Indians in India. Let them live on $1/hr.
America should lead the wold by example and make this change in the policy and show the world that it cares for Democracy and equality.
This will make a level playing field for everyone and true globalization. What do you say Senthil1?
You are an anti-immigrant lurking on this forum. You people better watch out. Go tell this to Losers guild.
wallpaper Rachel Weisz iPhone wallpaper
12-13 06:02 PM
it's not the cost of getting an opinion that matters.
See my two prior posts on being pragmatic.
I see your point that if we are sure of not getting the result than why to take pain...
But are we really that squared and check mate for this issue?
See my two prior posts on being pragmatic.
I see your point that if we are sure of not getting the result than why to take pain...
But are we really that squared and check mate for this issue?
07-26 06:51 PM
Here is one potential answer...
Yes, you will retire at 40 because no self-respecting person will come near you let alone hire you so I guess you will have to retire and that $xxxx/per month, please feel free to replace it with disability (of course mental!) benefits from your state! ;)
I am not with Amway or Quixtar but I think the folks with Amway/Quixtar are under represented on this thread and it's not fair :-)
Just to add another dimention to this thread I will play the devil's advocate :D
Here I go ...
You guys are all wasting your free time bitching on this thread where as we are spending all our free time growing our business. We will retire early as we would make $xxxx/month for nothing when we turn 40 and dont need to work anymore where as all you guys bitching about Amway / Quixtar will still be working hard at your jobs till 60.
What's your response ?
Yes, you will retire at 40 because no self-respecting person will come near you let alone hire you so I guess you will have to retire and that $xxxx/per month, please feel free to replace it with disability (of course mental!) benefits from your state! ;)
I am not with Amway or Quixtar but I think the folks with Amway/Quixtar are under represented on this thread and it's not fair :-)
Just to add another dimention to this thread I will play the devil's advocate :D
Here I go ...
You guys are all wasting your free time bitching on this thread where as we are spending all our free time growing our business. We will retire early as we would make $xxxx/month for nothing when we turn 40 and dont need to work anymore where as all you guys bitching about Amway / Quixtar will still be working hard at your jobs till 60.
What's your response ?
2011 More Images from Rachel Weisz
12-13 05:06 PM
Good point. But point what we are discussing is whether the rules (per country based) made to process GC can be challenged in US Courts within its constitutional limits? If tomorrow US decides to shut down EB/FB we do not have problem. Certainly it has that right. But when US wishes to have those immigrants than do we (applicants - non -immigrants) have a right to challenge particular rule (here per country based limit) in Court?
The U.S government absolutely has that discretion to make any rule/law under the Foreign Policy doctrine which no Court will interfere. The analogy for this would be the rule - wet/dry policy - they follow with the Cuban immigrants who get a GC just based on landing on the U.S soil. Nobody can challenge that rule (which favors only migrants from Cuba - when Mexicans do the same, it is considered illegal) but, a cuban immigrant can challenge what constitutes U.S soil which the courts can decide.
In short, you cannot challenge the law itself but, can challenge how the law is interpreted.
The U.S government absolutely has that discretion to make any rule/law under the Foreign Policy doctrine which no Court will interfere. The analogy for this would be the rule - wet/dry policy - they follow with the Cuban immigrants who get a GC just based on landing on the U.S soil. Nobody can challenge that rule (which favors only migrants from Cuba - when Mexicans do the same, it is considered illegal) but, a cuban immigrant can challenge what constitutes U.S soil which the courts can decide.
In short, you cannot challenge the law itself but, can challenge how the law is interpreted.
05-11 04:45 PM
This is totally correct!!!
Also I would like to ask the posters here who say that SL tamils are discrimanated, can you please post the things that a SL Tamil is NOT allowed to do in Sri Lanka that a Sinhalese is allowed. I am curious to know what they are. :D
Read this report if you have time. This will tell you why the problem in SL will be there for ever. Again i am not supporting LTTE.
If SL does not change then someone else will come even if there is no LTTE.
Also I would like to ask the posters here who say that SL tamils are discrimanated, can you please post the things that a SL Tamil is NOT allowed to do in Sri Lanka that a Sinhalese is allowed. I am curious to know what they are. :D
Read this report if you have time. This will tell you why the problem in SL will be there for ever. Again i am not supporting LTTE.
If SL does not change then someone else will come even if there is no LTTE.
06-15 06:37 PM
H1b cap is 65k+ 20K for US master degree and remaining are exemptions. Total approimately 125K were issued on 2007.
You mean the cap-exempt made up 50K ? That appears too high. What is your source of info.
When you say total 125K were issued in 2007, did you exclude
the transfer (basically a new H1 not subject to cap) ?
You mean the cap-exempt made up 50K ? That appears too high. What is your source of info.
When you say total 125K were issued in 2007, did you exclude
the transfer (basically a new H1 not subject to cap) ?
07-13 01:56 PM
I agree with gdilla,
The common factor among all these unsuccessful stories is that all of them have degrees from a foreign university (not Canadian or US degree). I am sure it will be different for people who live in the US and have work experience from a US company. Also people who come directly to Canada from their country have culture shock. That is normal for people who haven't traveled out side their country before. But if you lived in the US, society and culture in Canada will not be that different
Again, everybody has to do their own DD before they pack their stuff and immigrate. That is just common sense
This is the most ridiculous article I've ever seen.
"I should have done my own homework before I applied" - no $hit. What makes you think going to med school in Indian means jack in Canada or the US. You have to get board certified. Duh. And I'm afraid cold calling doesn't work anywhere, including the US... does this work in India? Of course they're not going to listen to you. Jeez. People not doing their due diligence before THEY PACK UP AND MOVE HALF WAY ROUND the world... yeah, that proves to me you are smart enough to hire.
[QUOTE=sankap]Here's an article that appeared in Outlook (India) magazine 8 years ago. Apparently, the situation hasn't changed much since then:
Canada...The Grass Isn't Greener
Outlook: Jan 25, 1999
It's a dream gone sour. Thousands of Indian immigrants who land up in Canada are, more often than not, greeted with unemployment, racism, culture shocks...
"I didn't come here to be a chowkidar. I came here believing it to be a land of opportunity; a country that has never known the nepotism, the corruption, the shortages of India. I find I have only substituted one country for another... certainly not one set of values for another, as I hoped. " For Dr Gurdial Singh Dhillon, who was made to believe his qualifications would land him a good job fast, Canada was a real disappointment. When he did find work, it was that of a security guard. This, when the United Nations has declared Canada the best country to live in.
Some 200,000 people migrate to Canada every year, a majority from Asia. Hong Kong heads the list, followed by India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines. According to the Citizenship & Immigration Canada report, 21,249 Indians migrated to Canada in 1996 alone. (The high commission in Delhi, however, put the figure at 17,682). For many of them, especially those who are qualified professionals, dreams die fast. The life they face is never quite as rosy as made out by money-raking immigration lawyers.
Is the UN report the only reason for the increase in Indian applications for immigration? That, and the fact that it is easier to get entry into Canada than any other western country, says a Delhi-based immigration lawyer. Also, the fastest way of getting immigration to the US is through Canada.
Dhillon's disappointment is echoed by others. "I should have done my own homework before I applied", rues Aparna Shirodhkar, an architect from Mumbai, working as a saleswoman in a department store. "My husband is unemployed. I am the sole earner for a family of four. Sometimes I feel like running back". For Raheela Wasim, who's gone from being a schoolteacher in India to a telemarketer here, the experience was very discouraging, very disheartening. "I started losing confidence in myself. I felt I was not capable of the job market here".
Jobs are the sore point with Indian immigrants. The irony is, they are often more qualified than their Canadian peers, yet they end up with either no work, or with entry-level jobs that have no future. "I was not told that you require a Canadian degree to get a job here", says Paramjeet Parmar, a postgraduate in biochemistry from Bombay University. Parmar works as a telemarketer, which has turned her from an elite professional to an unskilled, daily wage labourer.
Ditto Opinder Khosla, a mechanical engineer from India, who has ended up as a salesman. "I found it difficult to even get an interview call", he says. The Canadian authorities are non-committal about the social and economic devaluation that the country imposes on immigrants.
"You can't come thinking you can just walk in and get a job in your profession", says Isabel Basset, minister of citizenship, culture and recreation, responsible for handling immigrants' woes in Canada's largest province, Ontario. But she admits that the licensing bodies regulating the professions need to be more accepting of people trained elsewhere.
That effort could only come from the government, argues Demetrius Oriopolis, co-author of Access, a government-commissioned report on assessing qualifications of newcomers, a 10-year-old report whose recommendations have still to be implemented. The report suggests certain rules of equivalence should be made binding on the regulatory bodies, which are exclusionist by nature.
But Basset won't even hear of making the regulatory bodies accountable: "We believe in private enterprise with a minimum of government checks. Besides, she argues, the exercise would cost millions of dollars".
Needless to say, the organisations are gleeful. Only professional bodies have the ability to determine what constitutes competence in a particular profession, was the cold response of the spokesperson for the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, an institution that's responsible for the unemployment as well as under-employment of hundreds of qualified chartered accountants from India. They do not grant licences for professional practice, because Indian qualifications are not acceptable.
"What kind of society are we creating? Is it a new form of slavery?" asks an irate Bhausaheb Ubale, Canada's former human rights commissioner. Qualified immigrants work as drivers, guards. If this isn't job discrimination, what is? Dr Ubale lobbied intensely before Indians were accepted in the media. They now hold jobs as reporters and anchors, he says, but a lot more has to be done.
While skilled men may not be able to find jobs, their less qualified wives find it easier because they accept whatever comes their way. In several cases, the wives earn and support their husbands who are busy upgrading themselves, by studying for a Canadian degree. The working wife sometimes slogs away at three jobs. Sumitra starts at 7 am at her first job, teaching immigrants English; her second job as telemarketer starts at 4 pm. She gets back home around 8 pm, after which she begins selling cosmetics and household goods door to door. Till midnight. Sumitra supports three students, her husband and two school-going children.
The other problems Indians face here are the high taxes, high mortgage payments for new homes and the sort of hidebound laws that the benign anarchy back home hardly prepares them for. "You can't run a red light, you can't escape from a hit-and-run site even if you are just the witness, you can't smoke in public. Too many rules, so different from home", says Harminder Singh.
Two 'Indian' practices that do exist here, however, cause immigrants the maximum trouble. They are sifarish baazi (nepotism) and mufat ka kaam (free work). The Canadians, of course, have given them sophisticated terminologies, the former is referred to as 'networking' and the latter, 'volunteerism'. In a country where you are never encouraged to 'drop in' to meet someone, where the fax, the computer or the phone is used to complete most transactions, a job-seeking immigrant often has the phone put down on him. Polite but firm secretaries block access, unless the caller can drop a magic name that can help him gain entry. It takes at least a year for even the most enterprising immigrant to get to know somebody who can help him, before he can get a job at all.
'Networking' goes hand in hand with 'volunteerism'. Many immigrants put in a year of free service before they are given the job. Most writers and anchors of Asian origin are given only part-time jobs, paid by assignment and with no fringe benefits. The company insists on the word 'freelance' on their business cards, to make it clear they have not been hired by the company, and hence can't demand higher pay or any benefits. They can, and often are, fired at will.
Perhaps the greatest problem in Canada is the one that is least articulated--racism. According to a diversity report on Toronto (said to be the most ethnically diverse city in the world), the year 2000 will see its minority becoming its majority that is, 54 per cent of Toronto's population by the end of the millennium will be non-Whites. Keeping that in mind, it warned, if the discrimination against them in education, employment, income and housing, or incidents of hate are not addressed, it will lead to a growing sense of frustration.
"All our problems exist because of racism", sums up Anita Ferrao, who works in a firm. Anita has worked for them for three years and has got neither promotion nor raise. "As an Indian immigrant, you can never reach the top. They'll see to that. It's better to bring in some money here and start a business. It's the only way you'll do well here and be respected. "
But then if life is so tough here, why do people give up everything back home and come? The answer is the rosy picture of North America, inculcated right from childhood. Everything 'American' is considered superior. Better food, better homes, better life.
The common factor among all these unsuccessful stories is that all of them have degrees from a foreign university (not Canadian or US degree). I am sure it will be different for people who live in the US and have work experience from a US company. Also people who come directly to Canada from their country have culture shock. That is normal for people who haven't traveled out side their country before. But if you lived in the US, society and culture in Canada will not be that different
Again, everybody has to do their own DD before they pack their stuff and immigrate. That is just common sense
This is the most ridiculous article I've ever seen.
"I should have done my own homework before I applied" - no $hit. What makes you think going to med school in Indian means jack in Canada or the US. You have to get board certified. Duh. And I'm afraid cold calling doesn't work anywhere, including the US... does this work in India? Of course they're not going to listen to you. Jeez. People not doing their due diligence before THEY PACK UP AND MOVE HALF WAY ROUND the world... yeah, that proves to me you are smart enough to hire.
[QUOTE=sankap]Here's an article that appeared in Outlook (India) magazine 8 years ago. Apparently, the situation hasn't changed much since then:
Canada...The Grass Isn't Greener
Outlook: Jan 25, 1999
It's a dream gone sour. Thousands of Indian immigrants who land up in Canada are, more often than not, greeted with unemployment, racism, culture shocks...
"I didn't come here to be a chowkidar. I came here believing it to be a land of opportunity; a country that has never known the nepotism, the corruption, the shortages of India. I find I have only substituted one country for another... certainly not one set of values for another, as I hoped. " For Dr Gurdial Singh Dhillon, who was made to believe his qualifications would land him a good job fast, Canada was a real disappointment. When he did find work, it was that of a security guard. This, when the United Nations has declared Canada the best country to live in.
Some 200,000 people migrate to Canada every year, a majority from Asia. Hong Kong heads the list, followed by India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines. According to the Citizenship & Immigration Canada report, 21,249 Indians migrated to Canada in 1996 alone. (The high commission in Delhi, however, put the figure at 17,682). For many of them, especially those who are qualified professionals, dreams die fast. The life they face is never quite as rosy as made out by money-raking immigration lawyers.
Is the UN report the only reason for the increase in Indian applications for immigration? That, and the fact that it is easier to get entry into Canada than any other western country, says a Delhi-based immigration lawyer. Also, the fastest way of getting immigration to the US is through Canada.
Dhillon's disappointment is echoed by others. "I should have done my own homework before I applied", rues Aparna Shirodhkar, an architect from Mumbai, working as a saleswoman in a department store. "My husband is unemployed. I am the sole earner for a family of four. Sometimes I feel like running back". For Raheela Wasim, who's gone from being a schoolteacher in India to a telemarketer here, the experience was very discouraging, very disheartening. "I started losing confidence in myself. I felt I was not capable of the job market here".
Jobs are the sore point with Indian immigrants. The irony is, they are often more qualified than their Canadian peers, yet they end up with either no work, or with entry-level jobs that have no future. "I was not told that you require a Canadian degree to get a job here", says Paramjeet Parmar, a postgraduate in biochemistry from Bombay University. Parmar works as a telemarketer, which has turned her from an elite professional to an unskilled, daily wage labourer.
Ditto Opinder Khosla, a mechanical engineer from India, who has ended up as a salesman. "I found it difficult to even get an interview call", he says. The Canadian authorities are non-committal about the social and economic devaluation that the country imposes on immigrants.
"You can't come thinking you can just walk in and get a job in your profession", says Isabel Basset, minister of citizenship, culture and recreation, responsible for handling immigrants' woes in Canada's largest province, Ontario. But she admits that the licensing bodies regulating the professions need to be more accepting of people trained elsewhere.
That effort could only come from the government, argues Demetrius Oriopolis, co-author of Access, a government-commissioned report on assessing qualifications of newcomers, a 10-year-old report whose recommendations have still to be implemented. The report suggests certain rules of equivalence should be made binding on the regulatory bodies, which are exclusionist by nature.
But Basset won't even hear of making the regulatory bodies accountable: "We believe in private enterprise with a minimum of government checks. Besides, she argues, the exercise would cost millions of dollars".
Needless to say, the organisations are gleeful. Only professional bodies have the ability to determine what constitutes competence in a particular profession, was the cold response of the spokesperson for the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, an institution that's responsible for the unemployment as well as under-employment of hundreds of qualified chartered accountants from India. They do not grant licences for professional practice, because Indian qualifications are not acceptable.
"What kind of society are we creating? Is it a new form of slavery?" asks an irate Bhausaheb Ubale, Canada's former human rights commissioner. Qualified immigrants work as drivers, guards. If this isn't job discrimination, what is? Dr Ubale lobbied intensely before Indians were accepted in the media. They now hold jobs as reporters and anchors, he says, but a lot more has to be done.
While skilled men may not be able to find jobs, their less qualified wives find it easier because they accept whatever comes their way. In several cases, the wives earn and support their husbands who are busy upgrading themselves, by studying for a Canadian degree. The working wife sometimes slogs away at three jobs. Sumitra starts at 7 am at her first job, teaching immigrants English; her second job as telemarketer starts at 4 pm. She gets back home around 8 pm, after which she begins selling cosmetics and household goods door to door. Till midnight. Sumitra supports three students, her husband and two school-going children.
The other problems Indians face here are the high taxes, high mortgage payments for new homes and the sort of hidebound laws that the benign anarchy back home hardly prepares them for. "You can't run a red light, you can't escape from a hit-and-run site even if you are just the witness, you can't smoke in public. Too many rules, so different from home", says Harminder Singh.
Two 'Indian' practices that do exist here, however, cause immigrants the maximum trouble. They are sifarish baazi (nepotism) and mufat ka kaam (free work). The Canadians, of course, have given them sophisticated terminologies, the former is referred to as 'networking' and the latter, 'volunteerism'. In a country where you are never encouraged to 'drop in' to meet someone, where the fax, the computer or the phone is used to complete most transactions, a job-seeking immigrant often has the phone put down on him. Polite but firm secretaries block access, unless the caller can drop a magic name that can help him gain entry. It takes at least a year for even the most enterprising immigrant to get to know somebody who can help him, before he can get a job at all.
'Networking' goes hand in hand with 'volunteerism'. Many immigrants put in a year of free service before they are given the job. Most writers and anchors of Asian origin are given only part-time jobs, paid by assignment and with no fringe benefits. The company insists on the word 'freelance' on their business cards, to make it clear they have not been hired by the company, and hence can't demand higher pay or any benefits. They can, and often are, fired at will.
Perhaps the greatest problem in Canada is the one that is least articulated--racism. According to a diversity report on Toronto (said to be the most ethnically diverse city in the world), the year 2000 will see its minority becoming its majority that is, 54 per cent of Toronto's population by the end of the millennium will be non-Whites. Keeping that in mind, it warned, if the discrimination against them in education, employment, income and housing, or incidents of hate are not addressed, it will lead to a growing sense of frustration.
"All our problems exist because of racism", sums up Anita Ferrao, who works in a firm. Anita has worked for them for three years and has got neither promotion nor raise. "As an Indian immigrant, you can never reach the top. They'll see to that. It's better to bring in some money here and start a business. It's the only way you'll do well here and be respected. "
But then if life is so tough here, why do people give up everything back home and come? The answer is the rosy picture of North America, inculcated right from childhood. Everything 'American' is considered superior. Better food, better homes, better life.
2010 Rachel Weisz, icono lésbico
09-23 09:42 AM
Nixstor: I know how responsible person you are. You must have given lot of thought to this. Even if 20-30% people buy house, that reduces the no of applicants waiting for GC which will make it faster for the people that do not want to buy now for various reasons.
I fully support this idea. Thanks for bringing such good and justified proposal.
Definetely a good idea, I completely endorse it. Even for people who arent eligible/dont have money right away- dont you think reducing the line will eventually help all of us. we dont need to jump 100 ft at once (read relief for all) as long as we are able to jump 10ft once without injuring ourself. Also for people cribbing about seperating rich, anywhere in the world i.e the concept after all they are taking huge risk by investing their hard earned money (just like 20% people contribute to 80%of taxes) they need a break somewhere.
I fully support this idea. Thanks for bringing such good and justified proposal.
Definetely a good idea, I completely endorse it. Even for people who arent eligible/dont have money right away- dont you think reducing the line will eventually help all of us. we dont need to jump 100 ft at once (read relief for all) as long as we are able to jump 10ft once without injuring ourself. Also for people cribbing about seperating rich, anywhere in the world i.e the concept after all they are taking huge risk by investing their hard earned money (just like 20% people contribute to 80%of taxes) they need a break somewhere.
09-04 01:20 PM
Paul Vadicherla
Oracle Applications DBA at Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc and Owner, ileadingedge Consulting Inc, Washington D.C. Metro Area
Click the link below:
Paul Vadicherla - LinkedIn (
I am not any of these. I bet you guys .. $million
Oracle Applications DBA at Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc and Owner, ileadingedge Consulting Inc, Washington D.C. Metro Area
Click the link below:
Paul Vadicherla - LinkedIn (
I am not any of these. I bet you guys .. $million
hair Rachel Weisz
09-04 10:16 AM
IV admins, Chandu,
Please delete this thread or move this away from the main page.
This thread is a good fodder for antis.
Please delete this thread or move this away from the main page.
This thread is a good fodder for antis.
06-12 12:20 PM
I wonder what Dilip was doing when he was laid off. An H1 holder is out of status the moment he/she is laid off. So, our brightest Dilip was out of status (aka illegal) during the period he was laid off.
As is said -- illegals have a better chance to get GC then those trying to be legal.
With such friends of prospecting immigrants you sure do not need an anti-immigrant.
As is said -- illegals have a better chance to get GC then those trying to be legal.
With such friends of prospecting immigrants you sure do not need an anti-immigrant.
hot Rachel Weisz star as Summer
03-19 04:52 PM
It is easy.
BTW, the job situation is not great there. Others can input too
BTW, the job situation is not great there. Others can input too
house Rachel Weisz:
12-13 05:22 PM
In short, you cannot challenge the law itself but, can challenge how the law is interpreted.
In general terms, yes that is the case and it should be. But what if some law is in direct conflict with the main theme or part of the constitution ?
Like here EEO bans consideration of country of origin but EB based immigration allows per country limit. Both concepts/practice are really attached with "Employment". :confused:
And all laws are really covered under the power of constitution? If not than where this one (per country based) lies? Constitutional OR non constitutional?
In general terms, yes that is the case and it should be. But what if some law is in direct conflict with the main theme or part of the constitution ?
Like here EEO bans consideration of country of origin but EB based immigration allows per country limit. Both concepts/practice are really attached with "Employment". :confused:
And all laws are really covered under the power of constitution? If not than where this one (per country based) lies? Constitutional OR non constitutional?
tattoo Rachel Weisz

05-01 11:05 PM
And who told you that they are being opressed - have you been to Sri Lanka and if yes which places did you visit to see the Tamils being opressed .
The terrorists who come to fight in J&K from Pak say they are fighting because Indian Army and govt is opressing the Muslims . Is that true also ?
Seriously I don't care - my personal opinion that in this particular case it is none of our ( India's ) business to meddle in Sri Lankan affairs when they are on the verge of getting rid of a menace they have . Terrorism is not a solution of anything . Only peaceful times can bring happiness and prosperity.
If you are so ignorant no one can help you. In SL everything started because of singala opression and chavinisim. But its not the case with J&K. The Pak govt wants J&K and thats how started here. One does not need to go the battle field to understand whats going on there.
Desperate to escape the warzone in Sri Lanka, a group of 21 people set out from Mulaitivu on April 21. Among them was eight-month-old Kuberan who was feeding on his mother's milk when she died. His family was on a boat with 20 others.
Each one was hoping for safety and the chance of a better life in Rameshwaram, nine hours away. But they got lost and soon they ran out of food and water. One by one 10 people died of hunger and dehydration and their bodies were thrown into the sea.
Lost at sea they finally landed on the Kakinada cost of Andhra Pradesh, but only 11 reached alive.
Kuberan in Hindu mythology means the 'Lord of Wealth'. But this eight-month-old is anything but that. He is the face of the tragic conflict in north Sri Lanka, symbolic of a future and a paradise lost.
"When we were in Sri Lanka, my father died, then my younger sister died, and then my wife. We were trying to escape to save our lives," said S Jagadeeswaran, one of the refugees.
In the last three months, at least 50 boats with Tamil civilians have left Mullaiteevu for Rameshwaram. But no one knows how many of them survived.
"My daughter was in my arms, my lap and she died right there," said Niranjana, a refugee.
Thus, the Sri Lankan civilians who tried to escape the violence, were washed up on India's shores.
The terrorists who come to fight in J&K from Pak say they are fighting because Indian Army and govt is opressing the Muslims . Is that true also ?
Seriously I don't care - my personal opinion that in this particular case it is none of our ( India's ) business to meddle in Sri Lankan affairs when they are on the verge of getting rid of a menace they have . Terrorism is not a solution of anything . Only peaceful times can bring happiness and prosperity.
If you are so ignorant no one can help you. In SL everything started because of singala opression and chavinisim. But its not the case with J&K. The Pak govt wants J&K and thats how started here. One does not need to go the battle field to understand whats going on there.
Desperate to escape the warzone in Sri Lanka, a group of 21 people set out from Mulaitivu on April 21. Among them was eight-month-old Kuberan who was feeding on his mother's milk when she died. His family was on a boat with 20 others.
Each one was hoping for safety and the chance of a better life in Rameshwaram, nine hours away. But they got lost and soon they ran out of food and water. One by one 10 people died of hunger and dehydration and their bodies were thrown into the sea.
Lost at sea they finally landed on the Kakinada cost of Andhra Pradesh, but only 11 reached alive.
Kuberan in Hindu mythology means the 'Lord of Wealth'. But this eight-month-old is anything but that. He is the face of the tragic conflict in north Sri Lanka, symbolic of a future and a paradise lost.
"When we were in Sri Lanka, my father died, then my younger sister died, and then my wife. We were trying to escape to save our lives," said S Jagadeeswaran, one of the refugees.
In the last three months, at least 50 boats with Tamil civilians have left Mullaiteevu for Rameshwaram. But no one knows how many of them survived.
"My daughter was in my arms, my lap and she died right there," said Niranjana, a refugee.
Thus, the Sri Lankan civilians who tried to escape the violence, were washed up on India's shores.
pictures rachel weisz hair mummy.
07-28 10:41 AM
I think you are one of the most sane Amway guy I have heard from. Thanks for all the explanation. Now I know I have a problem with BWW and their approach not Amway. Looks like they are good brainbleachers.
again, i am not with this business now but still think its a good model. it is based on word of mouth advertising, franchising, residual income - everything e-commerce (which is a subject taught at some universities). now add some short sighted people to do the teaching and BINGO.. screwed it up big time.
again, i am not with this business now but still think its a good model. it is based on word of mouth advertising, franchising, residual income - everything e-commerce (which is a subject taught at some universities). now add some short sighted people to do the teaching and BINGO.. screwed it up big time.
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06-27 09:26 PM
Based on this, I have again (yes, again) emailed by immigration lawyer and sent him the AILA's URL (although I cant see it coz I am not member of AILA).
IF AILA reports that they stopped accepting new 485 petitions for EB3-other, then it is pretty freaking scary and that means that what my lawyer told me "I cant happen, bla bla bla..." is really not 100% accurate. If it happened in June, it can happen in July. This is now REALLLLY SCARY, coz my lawyer has plans for July-end for filing.
Ever since the dates got current, it has been more stressful than the time when dates were retrogressed and almost makes me miss the retrogression days when I didnt have to depend on the lawyers for my career.
It is indeed scary...I guess rumors can come to haunt us...I know that mine is not going in before mid july...we are seeing that is visible but doesnt exist...May be august bulletin (like predicted by USCIS) will still be "C"....GOOD LUCK to all. Irony of life is...all my life i gave exams in an effort to not get a "C"....and now all i pray for is just another "C"...
IF AILA reports that they stopped accepting new 485 petitions for EB3-other, then it is pretty freaking scary and that means that what my lawyer told me "I cant happen, bla bla bla..." is really not 100% accurate. If it happened in June, it can happen in July. This is now REALLLLY SCARY, coz my lawyer has plans for July-end for filing.
Ever since the dates got current, it has been more stressful than the time when dates were retrogressed and almost makes me miss the retrogression days when I didnt have to depend on the lawyers for my career.
It is indeed scary...I guess rumors can come to haunt us...I know that mine is not going in before mid july...we are seeing that is visible but doesnt exist...May be august bulletin (like predicted by USCIS) will still be "C"....GOOD LUCK to all. Irony of life is...all my life i gave exams in an effort to not get a "C"....and now all i pray for is just another "C"...
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02-18 08:29 PM
start from the bottom as that was the first e-mail. I took off identifying information and financial info. for obvious purposes:
Dear xxxx
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I talked to the family and advised them that the best way to proceed is you the doing the ability to pay part. They are talking to some people to get the money together. I will call them back after 4PM. Can we pay by debit card, or check or money order? Time is of the essence because of the B2 expiration on 2/11/07. I have the labor certification, (the one I printed off the website, we did not get the signed one from them yet, but it is the same). I have the 2005 tax return. I need to get the bank statements. Can I fax those to you? I also have something like a financial statement for 2006. If the numbers don't add up, you can still help us?
Thank you so much for helping us. I know you are very busy.
Most CPA�s don�t do audited financial statements. Reason is that there is a lot of things from a regulatory point of view that CPA�s have to keep up with in order to do audits. For this reason, most cpa�s won�t do them.
An audit is a big thing; it is not a small thing. I wouldn�t consider this as an option for you.
If you want me to do the ability to pay part then it will cost $xxxx.
I will need: Copy of labor certification, 2005 federal tax returns of company. Bank statements of company for October, November and December 2006. If the numbers aren�t the way they need to be then there are still remedies.
From: xxx
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:34 PM
To: xxx
Subject: RE:
Dear xxxxx
First of all, thank you very much for your help. It is really appreciated. I have been researching this subject and was not able to find anything valuable until I found your name. It is really great that you are helping these people.
I know your time is very valuable but I forgot to ask you whether or not we have to get the 2006 December bank statement certified or just send the original? If the CPA is not able to do audited financial statement for 2006 (which I doubt) are you available to do it? If we do that do we still need to send 2005 tax return? (Labor was filed on 12/26/06 and certified on 1/4/2007. )
You are the only one who can help us with this questions. I know you are extremely busy, but I am really trying to do this right for this family. They gave up everything in Hungary, (they made like $400.00 per month and life is more expensive than here), so it would be great hardship for them to go back. As I said they don't even have an attorney here. I don't know if that matters because most of them don't know half of what you guys know.
Anyways please, let me know how to proceed.
Thank you very much
You have to prove ability to pay from the date that labor was filed with state department of labor. Therefore, if you sent the labor in 2001 then you have to prove ability to pay for 2001 through 2006.
Audited financial statements are very expensive and probably do not suit your needs (At least $5,000 per year). Every year has to show ability to pay not just current year.
I can do it but it is pretty expensive. It will range from $xxxxx. You can give me a call with the details and I�ll let you know the chances of success.
From: xxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 7:26 PM
I heard about you on one of the immigration portals. I am the employer and ready to file I-140 for alien worker. He and his wife are here on B2 visas.
We are concerned about the ability to pay issue. I heard that you are the best on this.
The instructions are not clear at all. Do you have to send 3 years of tax returns. 2006 is not done yet, can we send audited financial statements? What is an audited financial statement exactly? What if the company did not have enough net income in 2005 and 2004 but has it in 2006. Can you please help us? As the employer we are willing to help the worker to get the I-140 approved.
Can you help us? Please, let me know and also how much do you charge.
Their visa expiring soon, please respond A.S.A.P
Thank very much
Dear xxxx
Thank you very much for your quick reply. I talked to the family and advised them that the best way to proceed is you the doing the ability to pay part. They are talking to some people to get the money together. I will call them back after 4PM. Can we pay by debit card, or check or money order? Time is of the essence because of the B2 expiration on 2/11/07. I have the labor certification, (the one I printed off the website, we did not get the signed one from them yet, but it is the same). I have the 2005 tax return. I need to get the bank statements. Can I fax those to you? I also have something like a financial statement for 2006. If the numbers don't add up, you can still help us?
Thank you so much for helping us. I know you are very busy.
Most CPA�s don�t do audited financial statements. Reason is that there is a lot of things from a regulatory point of view that CPA�s have to keep up with in order to do audits. For this reason, most cpa�s won�t do them.
An audit is a big thing; it is not a small thing. I wouldn�t consider this as an option for you.
If you want me to do the ability to pay part then it will cost $xxxx.
I will need: Copy of labor certification, 2005 federal tax returns of company. Bank statements of company for October, November and December 2006. If the numbers aren�t the way they need to be then there are still remedies.
From: xxx
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 12:34 PM
To: xxx
Subject: RE:
Dear xxxxx
First of all, thank you very much for your help. It is really appreciated. I have been researching this subject and was not able to find anything valuable until I found your name. It is really great that you are helping these people.
I know your time is very valuable but I forgot to ask you whether or not we have to get the 2006 December bank statement certified or just send the original? If the CPA is not able to do audited financial statement for 2006 (which I doubt) are you available to do it? If we do that do we still need to send 2005 tax return? (Labor was filed on 12/26/06 and certified on 1/4/2007. )
You are the only one who can help us with this questions. I know you are extremely busy, but I am really trying to do this right for this family. They gave up everything in Hungary, (they made like $400.00 per month and life is more expensive than here), so it would be great hardship for them to go back. As I said they don't even have an attorney here. I don't know if that matters because most of them don't know half of what you guys know.
Anyways please, let me know how to proceed.
Thank you very much
You have to prove ability to pay from the date that labor was filed with state department of labor. Therefore, if you sent the labor in 2001 then you have to prove ability to pay for 2001 through 2006.
Audited financial statements are very expensive and probably do not suit your needs (At least $5,000 per year). Every year has to show ability to pay not just current year.
I can do it but it is pretty expensive. It will range from $xxxxx. You can give me a call with the details and I�ll let you know the chances of success.
From: xxxxxx
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 7:26 PM
I heard about you on one of the immigration portals. I am the employer and ready to file I-140 for alien worker. He and his wife are here on B2 visas.
We are concerned about the ability to pay issue. I heard that you are the best on this.
The instructions are not clear at all. Do you have to send 3 years of tax returns. 2006 is not done yet, can we send audited financial statements? What is an audited financial statement exactly? What if the company did not have enough net income in 2005 and 2004 but has it in 2006. Can you please help us? As the employer we are willing to help the worker to get the I-140 approved.
Can you help us? Please, let me know and also how much do you charge.
Their visa expiring soon, please respond A.S.A.P
Thank very much
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09-15 06:26 PM
Friends what are the predictions for the coming bulletins (Maybe it�s too early). My 2 cents, Iam assuming quarterly spillover to happen in December, believe that all residual 2003 / 2004 folks will get approval in the next 2 months (I hope Iam not being too optimistic).
Nov VB - 01-MAR-2005
Dec VB - 01-JUN-2005
If we stay on stable ground i.e. the dates don't go back (Its better they move slowly then go back, seeing the dates go back is the most painful thing) then we can visualize the spillover (this is our only lifeline) better.
Nov VB - 01-MAR-2005
Dec VB - 01-JUN-2005
If we stay on stable ground i.e. the dates don't go back (Its better they move slowly then go back, seeing the dates go back is the most painful thing) then we can visualize the spillover (this is our only lifeline) better.
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09-04 11:20 AM
If you and other who have problems with this thread, don't like this discussion than why do you guys bother to come on this thread, just ignore it....This is not contributing to anything. I dont think oposing parties in this discussion will ever come to an agreement so what is the purpose of carrying on. Please close this and lets concentrate on something else.
06-05 02:56 PM
Recently I was on a flight from Delhi to Mumbai and the guy next to me was a former RBI employee. I asked him as to why the Indian govt. is not doing anything about the billions of USD left behind by Indians returning to India in the form of SSA and Medicare taxes, to which he replied that the obstacle to a treaty as stated by the US govt. is that India does not have a system comparable to Soc. Security and Medicare for distribution of money to it's retirees.
Such a pact was apparently considered in 2006, but went nowhere due to disagreement about how the Indian govt. will track money distribution and administer the program.
There is already a thread working on Government of India to consolidate Pension Fund with Social Security. America already has this type of treaties with few european countries. But looking at the bereaucracy now, this may take next 10-15 years.
Such a pact was apparently considered in 2006, but went nowhere due to disagreement about how the Indian govt. will track money distribution and administer the program.
There is already a thread working on Government of India to consolidate Pension Fund with Social Security. America already has this type of treaties with few european countries. But looking at the bereaucracy now, this may take next 10-15 years.
09-23 05:28 PM
Fifteen minutes is well worth the time to influence a $2 trillion enterprise.