how much does blake lively weight

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  • cherry su
    Mar 22, 12:36 PM
    Never review your pictures.

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  • leekohler
    Mar 11, 05:41 PM
    Neither of those are assembled in the US. They are both the product of The Peoples' Democratic Revolutionary Socialist Province of Ontario.

    Hmm...well, I have to say I'm OK with that. I like Kommunist Kanada. :)

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  • whfsdude
    Jun 14, 02:52 PM
    T-Mobile requires AWS specifically which is not just 2100mhz. AT&T operates on 1900/2100. T-Mobile is 1700/2100 so it would need a new radio, if not a new radio ROM.

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  • AppleInLVX
    Apr 19, 11:47 AM
    I'm going to go out on a limb and postulate that the next release won't be iOS5, nor will the next phone be iPhone 5. Reason being, as someone already stated in the forums a few days ago, this release is more likely to be iterative--evolutionary, not revolutionary. The new design of iPhone 4 will stand, and the only changes outwardly might be the screen. Everything else is inside.

    I think '5' is a catchy number, and Apple will reserve it for the 2012 iPhone. We'll see a whole new, magical iOS5 and with it, iPhone 5! Dun, dun, duuuuun!!! (or should I say, BOOM!)

    I think you'll see iOS4.5 with all these cool little tweaks to the UI (and I REALLY hope improvements to notifications), and the new iPhone 4NS (New Screen or some such) in September.


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  • Blake Lively 2010 Hair.

  • leekohler
    Mar 11, 02:04 PM
    Will you consider cars made in the US, but have parent companies, and thus profits, that are overseas? Will you exclude American brands that manufacture outside of the US?

    I too will be swapping out my US made foreign car for an "American" car, but anymore, I'm not sure what that means.

    Something made in the US, either a Camaro or a Challenger. I'm waiting to see if there is a glimmer of hope that Dodge makes a convertible Challenger next year.

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  • mrwheet
    Nov 18, 10:21 AM
    That $130k will all go to the lawyers, even if he is able to establish that he has a legal "right" to sell those parts, and I think that'll be a challenge.

    Yeah, that's the sad part; lawyers will walk away with all the profit. How absurd is that?

    I suppose if these casings were literally thrown away by Apple, and he's able to prove it, then it wouldn't be any different than those people who go through the bins and pawn off the treasures they find... Mind you, I don't know whether that's legal either.


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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 14, 03:11 PM
    Nonsense. Apple is selling a lot of computers right now because Jobs Osbourned the entire PowerPC range just over a year ago by announcing the switch to Intel. For each model of Mac, sales were artificially low before the Intel version was launched, and artificially higher after.

    Additionally, people are happer buying Macs if they know they can switch back to Windows if it doesn't work out. One of the major barriers to owning a Mac has been removed by the Intel switch (whatever my misgivings on the subject.)

    It's simply ridiculous to argue that the ads have helped sales. Sales would be much higher now than they would have been six months ago even if Apple had stopped advertising completely. The question is whether they would be even higher if they weren't insulting their target audience. The answer, of course, is yes.

    They sold how many macs last quarter? Over a million, right? How many boot camp downloads have they had....?

    Of course the ads have helped sales - the question is, how much. Are you seriously implying that no advertising WHATSOEVER would increase sales...? :rolleyes:

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  • melchior
    Jan 7, 07:16 AM
    *snip* I would wait to upgrade until they fix all the problems...

    only another 5 months away? ;)


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  • hondaboy945
    Sep 20, 12:38 AM
    So what I want to know from anyonewho knows is can we boot from one of the other 3 HDD's,and then, with the Quadro FX 4500, play some wicked PC games. Or are we there yet, should I just keep saving until all of the cool stuff is ready (CS3, PC games, nasty graphics capabilities).

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  • How stunning does Blake Lively

  • bboucher790
    Apr 5, 09:07 AM
    Consumer Reports gave the iPhone 4 the highest rating out of every smartphone last year. They said it was a good phone, but couldn't recommend it due to the antenna design.

    The same is done with cars. A few years ago, the Passat was the highest rated sedan. CR didn't recommend it due to previous reliability woes. Their system is fairly simple to understand, and quite useful.

    CR is, IMO, the best starting point to find out if a product is reliable or has a known defect. From there, I expand my research with more detailed reviews.


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  • The Blake: The actress loved a

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 10, 07:36 AM
    I doubt very much Macbook is getting updates at the same time Pro Models do. Thats not how Apple operates. First the pro models will be updated then that tech will show up months later in Macbook with some crippling like in the Gpu.

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  • Q: What kind#39;ve dog does Blake

  • WilliamG
    May 1, 01:23 AM
    Runs perfectly with high (not ultra) settings at 2560x1440 on my i7 iMac. :) Really fun game, though nothing really *new*. Blizzard playing it safe but making a solid game here.


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  • does Blake Lively

  • mrgreen4242
    Dec 10, 11:23 AM
    what kind of ram does it use? DDR?

    No, I'm guessing it's PC133. I'll pull it apart to double check when I get a minute over the weekend.

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  • I don#39;t know how much you pay

  • Zwhaler
    Jan 6, 01:02 PM
    Cool. Some people say it's fake but I know for a fact that it is legit unless someone photoshopped the Banner in... but it looks very Apple so all it is is another reason to get stoked :)


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  • caspersoong
    Apr 20, 03:37 AM
    I hope this comes into iOS 5. However, I think it is unlikely as it is an old build. I also don't think it is jailbroken.

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  • agentphish
    Mar 13, 11:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    My VZ phone is all good. Perhaps it effects only the people who use alarms?


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  • ILikeTurtles
    May 2, 01:51 PM
    The white iphone 4 plastic edge seems very slightly thicker though.

    It's a GD optical illusion! Jesus H people. Really.

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  • pika2000
    Feb 24, 12:16 PM
    Parents need to do their part, but government needs to try to protect from the greed that that brought us to the mess we are in today....
    Oh sure, like the banks for example.... oh wait, the government actually gave them our tax money! :rolleyes:

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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 26, 12:45 PM
    Why not just have high fuel taxes ala Europe?


    If you do a mileage-based tax, it seems like there will need to be a way to log and report miles traveled. The report seems to address a couple of ways of doing this, but they are both systems which are additive to all of our existing tolls, taxes, and metering. Why not just increase the federal taxes on gas and use the existing "metering" we have... the gas pump.

    In CT we are taxed I believe 50 cents on every gallon. The problem is that as gas prices rise people buy less of it and the taxes dry up.

    Seems like if the mileage tax is successful at one of its apparent goals - reducing unnecessary trips - mileage traveled will also go down, drying up taxes. What's the diff? In either case, less gas used or less miles traveled, the burden on the infrastructure is reduced, so in theory less taxes are needed, anyway.

    Sep 19, 02:59 PM
    This plan's so smart, its retarded!

    Mar 27, 10:57 PM
    It's easier to play when holding, but you can only shift it about a half an inch or so before images split. There's zones of 3D, so middle, off the left a bit, and so on.

    I was playing with the AR Cards, which is actually really cool, but since it realies on moving in real 3D space, I encountered some image splitting and jerkiness as I moved around the card. BUT, it was still fun and really impressive. They grabbed the wooden table my card was on and made it part of the game's 3D environment. So the table would warp in 3D. I shot at this 3D dragon that popped out of a lava pit with real time deformations.

    Anyways, so far I like this thing. It screens are a definite improvement and the bottom touch screen feels more accurate than my DS.

    BRING ON ZELDA NOW!!! That's really why I bought this. :D There's a static image of it in the Operation Manual...

    Mar 25, 10:36 AM
    Greedy or not, if Apple and RIM are part of some patent infringement they have to pay up.

    for this? "a method of previewing pictures" :confused:

    Mar 11, 01:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    At firewheel best buy only 5 people in line they will be handing out tickets at 430

    Mar 26, 11:16 PM

    STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
    ERIC: Yes.

    Bravo. You are my hero. :D

    Funny thing is... LOST is easier to understand and less secretive at this point!

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