amor bendito

amor bendito. amor bendito pictures from
  • amor bendito pictures from

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 7, 04:35 PM
    The Tea Party is the most fascist and dangerous of people on this face of the Earth.. They alone will bring disaster and turmoil to the people of this country. Its bad enough that the conditions of the job market, and economy as a whole are worse off than ever before(Gas rising, food prices going up).. These morons deserve to be put up a wall and shot at.

    I thought you felt this way about the Jews... So, who's worse? The tea baggers or the christ killers?

    amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito

  • davidjearly
    Dec 21, 05:53 AM
    Oh... grow up would you. Don't take your bat and ball home. It's a bit of fun, a bit of a chuckle, a bit of rebellion over the xfactor. Just because RATM have won, doesn't mean that the xfactor is going to be axed and Simon Cowell is going back to his Mr Blobby days.

    If anything, this has helped the music industry, the thought of actually rebelling against the conveyer belt "machine" being the xfactor has actually inspired people to buy music, getting more people interested in the competition and reducing music piracy. People have supported who they want to win by buying the songs, unlike before, where a few thousand people would buy Joe's song, and the xfactor would win. If anything, Simon Cowell should be happy that there has been an interest in his and RATM's song.

    Thanks, but I don't need to grow up. Perhaps you should try accepting other people's opinions without resorting to insults - a much more significant indicator of maturity (unless you're actually asking me to grow older faster?)

    There is absolutely zero logic to the rest of your post either. How has this helped the music industry exactly? As I have said all along, the UK chart is a glorified popularity contest. The most popular record, at the time, wins. People don't just buy the xfactor winners single because of the name - they buy it because they like it (and it's usually more than a few thousand btw). Whether you, or I, agree with that is irrelevant. It is fact. There has also been no significant reduction in music piracy as a result of this campaign.

    There has been no 'rebellion'. All the campaign has done is increased the amount of money Sony Music Entertainment have taken in this Christmas (both of the Artists are attributed to Sony). This goes back to my original point about the whole thing being meaningless (unless of course the aim was to simply make more money for Sony). There will still be the xfactor next year, and the winner will still sell a barrowload of records.

    amor bendito. amor bendito. Bendito Amor!
  • amor bendito. Bendito Amor!

  • redgaz26
    Jul 8, 02:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    is your o2 store in a centre?
    the one in scarborough is and is opening at nine??
    think I'll go to Bridlington. I'll be back at the caravan before the kids wake up.

    amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 3, 06:53 PM
    You don't have to be mad, but it sure helps.

    Is this a chink in the armour??

    Am I winning you over?



    amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 27, 09:15 AM
    Yeah, lack of incremental updates for the Mac App Store in particular is a bit of a problem.

    Software Update is still in Lion. Even though you download it from the app store, incremental updates are handled as normal.

    amor bendito. amor bendito. el amor bendito
  • amor bendito. el amor bendito

  • Jaro65
    Mar 28, 09:06 AM
    Plenty of goodies heading our way, I hope....


    amor bendito. amor bendito.
  • amor bendito.

  • shervieux
    Jun 18, 04:27 PM
    It doesn't at the moment. The biggest capacities are 64GB. The standard allows for cards up to 2TB, when they eventually arrive (maybe in 5-10 years).

    Maybe sooner than that? Well, ok maybe 5-10 years before they are affordable anyway....

    amor bendito. amor bendito.
  • amor bendito.

  • blow45
    Apr 14, 01:44 PM
    I hope this wasn't the guy in charge of the Danger/Sidekick data center...

    lol, that would be funny (in a very painful t-mobile kind of way)!:D


    amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito

  • ColoJohnBoy
    May 22, 11:28 AM
    As I write this, I am sitting at my parent's old Compaq Presario 5000, with 750 MHz AMD Duron, 576 MB RAM, 30 GB Hard Drive, and 64 MB NVidia GeForce 2 card (Most of it I have upgraded myself) and running Windows XP Home. I have used PCs for about ten years now. I am familiar with them, I know exactly where to find everthing on them, how to fix everything on them.... I know how everything works, even in XP. Yet Last June, I switched to Mac. Why?

    1) Design. PC computers are just hideous. Really, they're simply not attractive to look at. The only one that comes glose is Gateway's All-In-One computer. But even that is no iMac. Apple computers really are beautiful. They're simple, graceful, and durable.

    2) Mac OS X. Like I said, I know every Windows OS inside and out, having used every iteration of it for ten years. Yet I prefer OS X. Just like the physical design of the computer, OS X is simple, graceful, and durable. What some might perceive as "dumbed down" I see as rid of the unneecessary aspects that all but a small fraction of the computer user population use. It's clear and straightforward, and never have I experienced any problems with it. I admit, it has crashed twice. But both times it was because I was trying to run a severly faulty program. That's two crashes in one year. I'm lucky if I can make it through one day without having Windows (Yes, even XP) crash twice.

    3) iApps. I've been using my parents computer lately, and looking for a good MP3 program to use while I do. I've been spoilt by iTunes. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, for PCs that works as well as iTunes. I've been using MusicMatch, but after iTunes it seems clunky, redundant, and difficult to use. Dare I say, unintuitive.

    4) Health. I have enough headaches in my life already. I don't need even the small stresses that crashes, program errors, and unintuitive programs cause. I don't stress out when I'm using my Macs. It's like electronic aspirin.

    I admit to bashing Pcs. But I must defend myself by saying that I use them enough to be entitled to such bashing. For me, Macs are better, and I bash them with good reason.

    That, and bashing PCs is just fun ;)


    amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito

  • lhotka
    Mar 13, 07:04 PM
    Well, I have serious doubts that someone 'types in' the time for a network. I'm sure they have to configure the local towers to transmit the correct time zone, but that's not the same as typing in 2:00 AM and then waiting to the right second to press enter.

    Dates and times aren't stored as hours and minute - it's usually some form of julian date, probably transmitted in UTC. It's up to the local device to correctly convert it to local time.

    I note in passing that we're not hearing of any issues with regular phones - just iphones and other smart phones. Anyone have a basic phone show the wrong time?


    amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito

  • ~loserman~
    Sep 14, 07:27 PM
    Went under the knife twice in my life. Both times were last year.
    The first time when I was waking up my familytold me that I said,"I needed to call Laning, Davis, Goldberg, and Knough".( Local Law firm). I have no idea why I said that.

    Second time I woke up hearing my rather loud sister and expressed the sentiment that she should be more quiet.

    But overall both experiences were for the most part fairly uneventful and easy.

    amor bendito. Esse amor bendito e direito,
  • Esse amor bendito e direito,

  • Foggy
    Sep 25, 10:18 AM
    If the MBP's or other hardware is not updated at this event, then when is the next public event to have this happen?

    Possibly the Intel developers conference. Think its next week....


    amor bendito. Amor bendito, Amor en bruto
  • Amor bendito, Amor en bruto

  • iliketyla
    Apr 14, 02:30 PM
    Thank (insert deity here) you close minded people don't make the hiring decisions for Apple.

    Your beloved company makes a hire that they obviously deem to be beneficial and the peanut gallery thinks they know better.

    amor bendito. amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito. amor bendito

  • zap2
    Mar 10, 09:43 AM
    I'm sort of hoping lego star wars to be fun....I really like the first one, the 2nd was ok....I played the demo for this new one on the PS3 and was a little worried, but I'll most likely go for it.


    amor bendito. amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito. amor bendito

  • rozwell
    Nov 21, 08:26 PM
    here are two:

    you will get more help and more tutorials on a flash specific board... check out kirupa's forums and also 's forums. both are pretty great. also, flash has the best built in help system of any application i have ever experienced, so you may not even have to hit the boards or external tutorials.

    amor bendito. amor bendito
  • amor bendito

  • BWhaler
    Nov 15, 12:11 AM
    And where is Jetblue in all of this??? :cool:

    I wondered the same thing. JetBlue seems like an innovator, and if anyone is going to actually hit this launch date, it would be them.

    i suspect the issue is their deal with directtv. just my guess.


    amor bendito. Madre del amor bendito!
  • Madre del amor bendito!

  • King Mook Mook
    Apr 23, 03:16 AM
    Okay, I fixed it! I enter in the -advmethods in advanced and that got me one to work on straight away! Apparently this is quite a common problem, so if you're having problems with your Folding@Home, then try that tag and it'll probably work. Now I'm using my full CPU and Folding away!

    King Mook Mook

    amor bendito. `Amor Bendito` la cual. dbit. Aug 8, 02:40 PM. For the Desktop
  • `Amor Bendito` la cual. dbit. Aug 8, 02:40 PM. For the Desktop

  • Nuck81
    Oct 11, 09:19 AM
    I spent many an our as a kid standing around this cabinet as a player and a watcher.

    I hope it turns out better than Turtles in Time. and I'm sure it will be $15. Maybe The Simpsons will be next!!

    amor bendito. profundo, amor bendito que
  • profundo, amor bendito que

  • Arran
    Mar 26, 05:15 PM
    Schmidt: Hey Steve, you think a quarter's an okay tip? I mean, it's only a latte.

    Steve: Pffft. No wonder you're rich.

    Schmidt: (Looks around furtively. Whispers.) All in pennies - so it looks bigger. Yeah?

    Steve: They'll count it, dummy!

    Schmidt: Okay. I'll hand it to that *other* server, and ask him to pass it on?

    Steve: (Sighs. Shakes head) They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it.

    (Okay, maybe not :) )

    Oct 27, 09:07 AM
    windows XP, IE6

    it loads the webmail interface but i can't click on anything. that means the links are recognized by the cursor but nothing happens. it says error in page. so no webmail for me anymore. $99 for that? i want my old webmail back!

    You can still access the old webmail, look in the help section.

    One thing I noticed is it doesn't seem to auto check like gmail?

    Sep 22, 06:33 PM
    Anyone know whether or not the IMACs are going to be updated in the next few months?

    I am starting to look for a new computer (switching from a PC to a MAC) and trying to get a handle on when possible updates might be released if any. I would hate to buy in the next couple months when all I had to do was wait until the end of the year.

    Thanks for the help...:)

    May 1, 01:06 AM
    gamestop only allow preorder for pc. Do they give code for mac? I dont want to pre-order a pc product since I want to play on native mac.

    Same key will work for both Mac and PC dude.

    May 2, 11:08 AM
    I don't believe anything is really going to change. Al Queda is still alive, we are still spending 1,000,000 to 1 going broke trying to snuff out world wide terrorism, probably creating as many terrorists along the way as we destroy. :(

    As I said in the other thread, I glad he is gone, he was a threat to peaceful existence as long as he was alive, but my gut feeling is that nothing is resolved.

    May 7, 11:22 PM
    don't take this the wrong way, but these "biggots" you speak of are a lot like the born-again christians that corner you at the coffee machine trying to get you to go to church with them. (in fact, i even remember a mac fac site called "evangelista"!) macs offer simplicity, stability, and peace of mind--we do not have to travel through the blue screen of death, because the mac is with us! most of us, at one time, were just like you, using those evil windoze machines. but now "we have seen the light!" and can't possibly imagine how you could continue in your suffering. you don't know the peace you could have if you just gave the mac a chance. do you see the metaphor here?
    and one thing many windoze people say is, "if macs are so much better, why only 5% market share?" well, christianity started with less market share than that, and it is certainly better than baal or ishtar, just to name a few!

    and just for the record, i am a mac biggot. would you like to come over sunday? i can show you how to use iMovie!!!!:D

    PS-like i said, i mean no offense by this. in fact, i tried to tie some humor into this, so take it all with a grain of salt.

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