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  • Simpsons Matrix - Wallpaper

  • Dagless
    Jan 21, 02:10 PM
    I believe Pilotwings is a launch title. No 3DS e-shop and no Ocarina of Time at launch, but oh well!

    Changed my preorder 3 times now. GAME has it for �229, Play at 219 and Shopto at 199 (they are freakin brilliant at preorders btw, they dispatch early via recorded courier at no extra charge).

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  • More Matrix Wallpapers Email

  • Prom1
    Apr 10, 10:11 AM
    yeah I can see his point.
    However there will be efforts to make it like a pc through accessorizing the device

    not really.

    It is a PC � just the interface is changed.
    RIM with QNX and their tablet "COULD" have the ability to distribute computing across them all over a wlan connection.
    Apple could evolve the iPad to a central control for house appliances remotely and also become ubiquitous to anywhere we use paper! I'm hoping universities along with iTunes U consider this immensely - but with XServe gone on the back end with OS X Lion possibly also being dumbed down this may never happen. Tuition fees could drop considerably while students enjoy the work load � annotating the work, submitting documents in PDF digitally signed and on record via a local or wireless sync to an FTP site (GoodReader).

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  • Matrix Theme

  • Chundles
    Sep 27, 10:47 AM
    No, no, no! Don't you know, after 10.4.9 Apple has run out of numbers! It'd have to be 10.5.0!


    Couldn't resist...sorry!

    :eek: :eek: :eek:

    You're right, whatever will they doooooo??????

    Insert InvisiText� Disclaimer that I know 10.4.10 does not equal 10.5.0 here.

    wallpaper matrix. The Simpsons BMW Ferrari.
  • The Simpsons BMW Ferrari.

  • p0intblank
    Nov 14, 02:37 PM
    Now this is really cool! :D The iPod is everywhere now... even in flight! Go Apple! :)


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  • Matrix

  • Lord Blackadder
    May 1, 12:35 PM
    It's so sad how the "OS Wars" has stooped to this level.

    You mean this?

    Mac users are...PRETENTIOUS!

    All other snob crap...flamboyantly rich and or wannabe rich

    clueless overbearing confidence based on ignorance.

    Not only is the "genius bar" full of retards who help more retarded retards

    Who gets this angry about computer platforms?

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  • big
    Sep 15, 12:21 AM
    I personally do a lot of rendering...Vector based specifically, and billing clients is an issue when it comes to architectural work.

    A lot of clients view an architect as being overpaid anyways, so when they see a 100 hour bill they can get a little uneasy.

    I pride myself on being able to produce the "best" & most completed set of drawings available, at the absolutely quickest time (ie, I draft like a bat out of hell, and do it accurately, though my spelling is atrocious)

    often I find I must boot into 9 just to produce...however, for mid level drawing 10 is "ok" on a 450 G4, its all about simulation I'm sure (using classic)

    once engsw.com releases Powercadd OSX native, I will be all over that...that should change my booting habits. Though I know a faster machine would make a world of a difference as well.


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  • Download Free Matrix Wallpaper

  • Lyle
    Sep 13, 11:26 AM
    It looks like everyone else has covered the basics. The bottom line is: Don't Worry. You'll do fine.

    As best I can remember, all of my experiences with anesthesia have been of the IV persuasion. The medicine feels warm going in, and when counting backwards from 100, I rarely make it past 96. ;)

    Like others have said, when you wake up, one of your first sensations will be to wonder: "Well, when are we going to get started?" You will almost certainly say some goofy things to the nurse or whoever's monitoring you; don't worry, they're used to it.

    You really do need to arrange for someone to take you home. There's no way I'd try to manage a cab ride home while still "under the influence." Even though the hospital's released you, you'll still likely be a little loopy for awhile. And you will sleep a good while once you get home.

    I don't remember if anyone's said this, but if you're a little anxious about the anesthesia, they can give you something to calm you down beforehand. They did this for me once when my doc was running late (tied up in a prior surgery) and my procedure was postponed a little bit. The delay gave me a little more time to get worried about things, and so they gave me a shot of something that didn't knock me out, but did help me to relax. wdlove probably knows what I'm talking about.

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  • The MATRIX Wallpaper HQ (blue)

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 11, 04:54 PM
    German and Japan are even better.

    Which is ok because when the car breaks down, you donate twice as much money to your American mechanic


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  • Matrix Trinity Wallpaper

  • rainman::|:|
    Apr 3, 09:29 PM
    yes. very unhappy with it. I've spent a bit of time trying to customize it... get my toolbars all lined up, the preferences customized... and it's still crap. It seems like Apple is trying to simplify everything a wee bit too much here... I like being able to quickly set my fonts, tabs, margins, and just go. While they've clearly fixed some long-running mistakes from Appleworks, they're now centered around styles and templates... which, while well intentioned, are too cumbersome for my needs. Word suffers from the same problems but at least lets you quickly go if you're freeforming (changing attributes on-the-fly). I must admit Word is currently my processor of choice, tho I'm really hoping Pages gets better with revisions.

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  • Neon Wallpaper Matrix

  • BC2009
    Apr 12, 05:34 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    I use MS Office, iWork and even OpenOffice.org. I never said Word and Excel were bad (I think they are great) -- only that I also think Pages and Numbers and Keynote are great too (especially Keynote). Each has their purpose. Pages is fantastic for creating a single page layout from their templates. Numbers does a rocking job of creating fluffy charts and diagrams for you to copy/paste into other things (it also does a nice job letting you categorize by column).

    If I am working with a large data set I prefer Excel or OpenOffice.org depending on which makes it easier to crunch the numbers in my desired way. When I am writing a large document (like a technical specification), again I turn to MS Word or OpenOffice.org, since Pages seems to do better at single page layouts and is less robust when working with large documents. I tend to prefer OpenOffice.org when I need to make sure my documents are portable to others who have not chosen to fork over hundreds of dollars to Microsoft.


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  • boch82
    Apr 27, 10:56 AM
    MPEG Stream Clip (assuming these are not protected DVDs)

    Drag the VOB file into the app
    Open as a stream so you get the whole dvd.

    drag the slider to the beginning of the clip you want press "i" drag the slider to the end press "o"

    export to the settings you need for your editing app

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  • Matrix Wallpaper, XP Desktop

  • 59031
    Oct 28, 06:34 PM
    All I use it for is Syncing between multiple Macs - which is handy but hardly a justification for the $99 price of admission.

    That ALONE makes it worth $99 per year. Then I get IMAP email...then I get iDisk...and everything else. There is room for improvement, but I love the .Mac service.


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  • is a resized wallpaper,

  • scottgroovez
    Mar 25, 02:18 AM
    The fact NO site has seemingly reviewed any of UBI's release is very suspicious about their quality.

    Is there a review Embargo in place I wonder?

    Yes until today. Lineup is quite weak as no Mario. Every Nintendo launch needs a Mario

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  • HD Matrix Wallpaper

  • frunkis54
    Aug 20, 11:34 PM
    people are overreacting about this.

    1. you physically have to go to places and check in for anyone to see where your at.
    2. you control who sees it. you can set it up so all your friends see it or only certain ones. if your worried about someone knowing your not at home. you might want to think who you have for friends on your FB account because they are the only ones that will know where you are or you aren't


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  • The Matrix The background I

  • domness
    Aug 25, 04:41 AM
    I think this new feature is genius! Whats better than scrolling through status updates just to see that your friend may be just down the road at the local pub?

    - People who are worried about security and privacy.. well just don't use the 'Places' feature.. You're not being forced to!

    - This is a great take on Foursquare, despite Foursquare being the better of the two, as Facebook obviously has a lot more users! I'll definitely be using Places as soon as it's rolled out to the UK.

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  • The Matrix Movie Poster iPhone

  • puffnstuff
    Mar 26, 04:54 PM

    Steve:Let's go discuss this somewhere more private
    Schmidt: My place or yours?


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  • radiohead14
    Apr 20, 02:06 PM
    aren't the Sandy Bridge CPUs better with battery life? isn't the MBA supposed to be an ultra portable, thus making battery life the most important aspect of the notebook? at least this is what's most important for me when considering the MBA, so the boost in CPU performance and battery life will cancel out the downgrade in GPU for me.

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  • Matrix iPhone Wallpaper

  • iphoneguy123
    Jun 29, 07:36 PM
    I said this a while back. Apple should buy SanDisk, buy Sony, get rid of Ex-FAT and re-package/re-brand/standardize this media in every product they make and package a flavor of it for ROM as a successor to Blu-Ray.

    Small, portable, insane storage capacity and Apple could build the format without the insane licensing fees that have been attached to Blu-Ray. Apple is a global company and they want all of their products to be immensely useful globally, unfortunately broadband and internet mean something completely different to everyone, in terms of connection speed, and that will in all likely hood never change. A small disc, slightly larger than a half a stick of gum, that can hold up to 2TB of data potentially is the perfect bridge for every digital device in virtually any form factor.

    Buy Sony?


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  • The Matrix Revolutions

  • scem0
    Sep 14, 09:43 PM
    Originally posted by MacBandit

    You don't need to spend 3,000 to get an extremely fast mac right now try 1,600-1,700.

    But for 1,600-1,700 dollars I can get a hell of a lot faster PC. Nobody can deny that.

    Apr 1, 10:41 AM
    Good for TWC for continuing to go on but with the channels allowing them.

    If the group of people want to stay out, let them stay out.

    I like several of the channels still be offered and I suspect TWC continuing to add more and more will eventually catch a nice niche if not much more.

    Feb 25, 03:21 PM
    One note: according to John Gruber (http://daringfireball.net/linked/2011/02/24/lion):

    you need to specify the machine as a server when you install the OS � it�s not a switch you can flip later on

    Mar 11, 07:23 AM
    We got Apple store, bestbuy, target, At&T store and Walmart within 2 miles of stonebriar

    True, AT&T is out since I only want the WiFi version...dunno how many units will Walmart and Target have today...will try Apple or Best buy first if not then Walmart and Target...

    Mar 24, 05:03 PM
    Wish I was in the US... lol:D

    Apr 30, 10:30 AM
    Preorder the game from gamestop and you get a beta key also.

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