armor hero movie

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  • about the armored hero and

  • acurafan
    Mar 23, 06:27 PM
    that's great. now delta force can each carry 5 iphones - one for each task!! and 5 chargers for each phone after they last 10 minutes on the app - in addition to their 70lbs of gear. :D

    armor hero movie. armor hero movie.
  • armor hero movie.

  • ColdZero
    Sep 19, 11:27 PM
    Oh yea, nice and fast :rolleyes:. A Dual 1.25Ghz G4 vs a single 2.8ghz P4, uhhh isn't that a little unfair. Where is the dual 2.4ghz P4 vs dual 1.25ghz G4 comparison?

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  • Repo
    Apr 30, 11:34 AM
    3GB download. It's times like this I wish I lived in Hong Kong.

    armor hero movie. armor hero movie. Armor Hero XT; Armor Hero XT. KnightWRX. Apr 17, 10:15 AM. I#39;m confused.
  • armor hero movie. Armor Hero XT; Armor Hero XT. KnightWRX. Apr 17, 10:15 AM. I#39;m confused.

  • ikir
    Jun 22, 04:35 AM
    Wow, hadn't even thought about that... That would be so nice. :o

    Very good idea!!! The only problem is speed, Apple SD readers are quite fast but only some high end SD reach good speeds.


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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 17, 04:51 PM
    No, both should just be civil offences.

    armor hero movie. armor hero movie. armor hero xt; armor hero xt. kahos. Aug 24, 06:41 PM. Will this recall ever expire?
  • armor hero movie. armor hero xt; armor hero xt. kahos. Aug 24, 06:41 PM. Will this recall ever expire?

  • Multimedia
    Sep 27, 01:29 PM
    I don't know what to tell you. Couple days after I installed 10.4.7 , major issues happened on my quad. I end up with my computer at Apple for repair and 3 weeks later they figure out a combination of 10.4.7 and my GT7800 card were the issue.
    Now, I have a new GT card and I use 10.4.6. The kernel comes once a week. So the problem in some way still persist. I hope the new 10.4.8 will address this issue. If not I'll go back to Apple and request a new computer in exchange for the one I have.
    I don't know, I love my quad but I have to say I was pretty upset with this whole fiasco. I wish Apple had a loaner program for professionals using powermac. That way we can still productive while the computer is being repaired. I would not mind to pay a little more on applecare to get such a service.Sorry I don't have that video card in mine so I can't report replication of the problem. Sorry to hear that. Bummer.


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  • j_maddison
    Mar 21, 01:24 PM
    Uh, why? How is it shameful? This isn't an item that is even remotely usable for studying with alone - what other electronics company does student discount on the scale that Apple does? The iPad is a glorified iPod touch, it is not a learning device (yet), not will it replace a computer in the home unless all you use is Facebook, even then you can't upload photos without the use of another computer.

    Sarcasm, right? Any student, it doesn't even fulfill the needs of half of all students. It can't print, for one! Nor can you put pictures or anything onto it without the use of another computer, so how exactly does it replace a computer?

    Like the way you just picked out a solitary post, ignored my other post, just to make your point ;0)

    I said it's a companion device in a later post. I was a student, and I agree I wouldn't write an essay on an iPad. My 80wpm isn't blistering, but it would be slowed right down by the iPad and I would want to get my thoughts on the screen as quickly as possible

    What it is good for is note taking in lectures, using the diary on the go, being able to surf the net, reference quickly, carry core texts around with you (core texts not replacing half a dozen books that need to be open at hte same time for quick reference), great for e mail on the go, great for facebook in those boring lectures where you're struggling to keep your self awake, and lots of other handy things.

    Where it falls down is the lack of multi tasking, porn, illegal downloading, and lots of other things students find handy :D

    I used a palm during my uni years, the think was fricking amazing for what I wanted it to do at the time. You don't always need to carry around one device that does it all, sometimes simplicity and convenience is what it's all about

    Funnily enough I agree with your points, just don't try and bend what someone else has said to try and fit the point you want to make, you'll lose marks for that in your exams/ essays ;)

    It seems like the majority of the comments are about Price, personal purchase and Higher ed use cases. All of these comments miss the point of what the announcement is about, institutional purchases. This is about school's buying large quantities, and really, since I have a hard time imagining that a University would be buying 10 packs of iPods . Yes, I know that schools like ACU have innovative 1:1 ipod /phone programs where they provide devices to the student, that is not really what this bundle is about). The target audience of a program like this is clearly K12. It is similar to bundles that apple currently has of 32 iPod touches and a Bretford cart or use in a K12 classroom.

    This is all interesting, but the biggest challenge and obstacle that Apple has in K12 is that the iPod ecosystem is a consumer model. It is also not a Higher ed model, where students own their own device and are conditioned to the requiremet of buying their content. I work as a technologist for a 200+ school district and we have been trying to figure out for the better part of a year how to make this consumer product work in k12 setting.

    We've been running pilots in several schools / classes since late spring of 09 and the biggest problem we have is getting a straight answer on how to liscence paid applications. We've asked several Apple representatives "if I buy a class set of 32 ipods, and I want to use a paid app, how many copies does the school need to buy, how many itunes accounts do we need, how many computers do we need to sync all 32 devices and how can we purchase using ta purchase order (no school is going to relish tying a credit card to a personal account, or cutting a PO for 30 $25 itunes gift cards!)

    The answer we have gotten back every time has been not 32, not 1, not 1 for every 5 devices, but the question does not apply, the iPod and iTunes are consumer products and the enduser agreement is for consumers not institutions, and when asked for advice we've been told that Apple does not provide interpretations of their agreements and how we choose to interpret it is a mater that we should take up with our in-house council.

    The good will and glow of Apple in education will continue to drive adoption of the ipod and ipad. I know millions of stimulus dollars went to ipods in school districts around the country, unfortunately, until Apple accepts the fact that school districts are not individuals and they have to "think different" and work with us when we ask for advice on how to successfully use their products in K12, much of the money and the potential will go o waste.

    I hold my hand up, I did miss the point. I confused this with being one and the same as a student/ teacher discount. I didn't engage my brain there for a second.

    I think Apple should give good discounts to educational establishments and students, hell it's far cheaper for them than marketing campaigns. Hook a student on an Apple and you've got a customer for life!

    armor hero movie. armor hero. armor hero movie
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  • bobber205
    Apr 5, 02:52 PM
    Here's the gist of the problem: too generous state worker union pensions. I wouldn't be surprised that these pensions are extensively re-done to drastically cut its cost in order to reduce state budget deficits.

    You are completely, either willfully or not, ignorant of the situation in Wisconsin.

    Remember, they had a surplus until their Governor decided to give big business a tax cut almost identical to the "Deficit" they're not facing. :mad:


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  • BBCWatcher
    Jun 10, 06:54 PM
    Just buy T-Mobile. Its cheap and compatible with the current iphone hardware.

    Apple would have to add AWS (1700 MHz) frequency support to the iPhone and iPad, but as mentioned upthread that should be less work than adding CDMA.

    Apple wouldn't necessarily have to buy T-Mobile outright. They could strike a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) deal as part of an equity stake, for example. An MVNO arrangement would give Apple some flexibility, with preference to T-Mobile but the option to fill in gaps through wholesale arrangements with other carriers.

    armor hero movie.

  • rockthecasbah
    Aug 14, 09:52 AM
    yay, 20 more ads still! I wonder when the next will st art airing :rolleyes:


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  • hyperpasta
    Oct 16, 04:16 PM
    "iPhone Pro"

    Sounds about right.

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  • Themes: bio armor, martial

  • Beanoir
    Apr 21, 08:27 AM
    There won't be a backlit keyboard on the MBA's current body design.


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  • helmet of a Norse hero,

  • nosen
    Nov 14, 10:11 AM
    Wow, this is a great idea!

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  • war machine movie War Machine

  • fyrefly
    Apr 22, 08:36 PM
    If you are correct the i5 processors are obviously going to be more expensive meaning they will have te same situation with the backlit keyboard

    The i5 processors are the same price (or less) as the LV C2D they're using now. The SL9400 costs $284. The i5-2537 that's in the Samsung Series 9 costs $250.

    The SL9600 costs $316. The comparable i7 LV SB processor costs $316.

    Plus there's no 320m cost, so that component costs conceivably go down with a SB MBA making room to re-add the BL keyboard.

    Speaking of:

    It is the same with the backlit keyboard on the MBA, which was for years a standard feature. To take it away now in order to 'differentiate' it from the pro models, is total bull....!!

    Although of course no-one but Apple knows the real reason - I maintain that the BL keyboard wasn't removed due to "luxury" or size, or battery life. I'm 99.99% sure it was to keep the cost down, to hit that $999 price-point and keep 30% margins.

    Therefore, if a SB (or IB if Apple decides to leave it's new marquee portable completely stagnant for almost 2 years...) MBA saves on component costs via not being able to use the 320m - it could conceivably put the BL keyboard back in.


    Wanting a backlit keyboard isn't as unreasonable as you think it is... esp since the previous gen Air had it.

    This. :)

    Why does everybody repeat the mantra 'Ivy Bridge'? Will it make the Intel's HD 3000 perform better in some kind of mysterious magical way? Or do you expect that by the time IB is released Intel will have developed a new, presumably better, IGP? Shall we expect the same comments "Intel IGP sucks I'm gonna skip IB and wait for whatever-bridge" again next year?

    Exactly. If I had loads of time on my hands, I know I could find loads of comments (probably from the same posters) last year saying "Ugh, Arrandale IGP sucks, I hope Apple waits till Sandy Bridge!"

    There'll be just as many Intel IGP haters when Ivy Bridge is released, and only "matches" the 320m.

    Get with it people - at some point we're gonna lose the 320m. If it's not with SB, then it'll be with IB and the graphics will still not get "better" than the 320m. It sucks - I agree - but it's inevitable.

    Almost all people in this thread sound like they want to buy a Mac mini (MBA), but want at the same time the features of a Mac Pro (MBP). Silly.

    Yeah, this is the MBA-forum, but it does not make this discussion thread better.


    What are you talking about? We're all here 'cause we love the MBA. Would we all like a more powerful MBA? Of course - why not? Right now the MBP's rival the some late-model Mac Pro's. Why not desire more power in a portable (CPU, Graphics, or otherwise?).


    armor hero movie. Armor Hero Emperor 7
  • Armor Hero Emperor 7

  • Dagless
    Mar 20, 01:53 PM
    Anyone actually seen one?

    Gamestop said they'll have a demo kiosk the day after the launch...

    Yeah. A while ago I played with a Japanese import for a bit, no actual 3DS cart games just fiddling around with the built in one and the menu. Just played a UK one yesterday (Ridge Racer). I must say it's not only the best version of Ridge Racer I've played but the 3D effect was tremendous. Or maybe that game amplifies it a bit, but it was really quite deep.
    The girlfriend was planning on going into HMV to buy a 360. That's when we were offered to try out a few games. Walked out with a 3DS preorder instead!

    We're smitten.

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  • Armor Hero Movie fight scene 4

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 9, 04:17 PM
    Just what can Target say? "If you allow Apple do do something that might cut into out DVD sales we will intentionally sell fewer DVD" Kind of like holding a gun to your head threatening to shoot.

    Good analogy, except it's also like the guy holding the gun to his own head is worth millions of dollars to the person he's making the threat to (the threat to shoot himself). So the person he's making the threat to has to ask, is this guy rational, or no? If not, maybe it would be best to placate him. However, if you think he's going to act in his own self interest, call his bluff.

    I doubt Target would go through with any kind of threat, since it only makes sense to retaliate if you think it will affect future behavior (hurting yourself once may be worth it if it's going to make your future threats more believable). Ahh, I love game theory. But what future behavior is Target going to care about affecting? Do they foresee several similar battles with the movie studios that might turn their way if they carried out this threat?


    armor hero movie. armor hero movie.
  • armor hero movie.

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 5, 08:14 PM
    I was praying that the headline was "Apple to Introduce new dock connector."

    The current dock connector SUCKS. It's way too hard to plug into, especially on the iPad 2, with it's tapered edge. It feels flimsy and I dread plugging anything into it for fear of breakage/bending of the pins.

    I was really hoping that Apple would redesign it using MagSafe as their inspiration.

    Agreed flimsy AND the cable connection always breaks at the plug parts where the cable meets the plastic.

    I wish they had options to connect the cable on the sides as well as bottom.

    also teh screened on "front" printing disappears after a while.

    So, I scratch a box around the sign. That way I can "feel" the right side in the dark.

    Apple should mold that into the plug..

    armor hero movie. armor hero movie
  • armor hero movie

  • tech4all
    Nov 21, 05:07 PM
    as cool as it sounds, point being?

    I haven't read the whole article yet, but from the sounds of it, it seems as though a laptop can be charged without plugging in it. That is the processor that converts heart to electricity could either charge the battery or provide it's own power to the laptop. That would extend battery life, not sure by how much, but if it is a decent amount, this technology would be great for laptops.

    Then again there's the heat issue. While the heat will provide electricity, your going to have to have a decent cooling system, which hopefully wouldn't suck to much power. Or maybe the converted power can be used only for the cooling system leaving the rest for the battery, thus conserving power anyways....just thinking aloud here though. :)

    armor hero movie. armored heroes continue to
  • armored heroes continue to

  • PlaceofDis
    Apr 2, 07:22 PM
    for any complex formatting Word is definitly the way to sad to say, its not that bad of an app, although it is filled with bloat....

    Pages is stong because of its templates, but its not good for making documents from scratch, if it improved in this area i would stick to it, but the UI definitly needs some work, toolbars and palettes need to be used more effectively and perhaps a bit more customization of the two would help a bit

    for now i guess ill be typing up my poetry in Word

    Jun 21, 01:50 PM
    With regard to booting:
    I think a lot of people in here are also looking over the fact that the card reader is on the USB bus. Meaning the speeds you'd be limited to would be that of USB 2.0. Internal 5400rpm boot drive would still be faster.

    Jun 19, 08:18 PM
    Also keep in mind that the ps3 has tons more exclusives coming later this year as well.

    Even with a complete re-design i'd still be nervous buying a slim 360 right away. MS has shown after several mobo revisions that they couldnt get the rrod issue under control with the fat 360s, so i'm not sure if i trust them to cram everything into smaller, albeit better ventilated, case.

    Anyone know what flashed fatties are going for these days? I'm hoping that with the new hardware shipping people might be selling their flashed 360s in order to upgrade. I wouldnt mind having a 360, but i dont want to buy the necessary stuff to flash it myself.

    Apr 28, 08:31 PM
    Yeah, lack of incremental updates for the Mac App Store in particular is a bit of a problem.

    Personally I'd like to see all 3 options thus proposed available for Mac users: A Mac App Store initial download option, a DVD, and a USB drive. That way, people can pick whichever one they need or want.

    Well with the way their user base is growing it's far more of an issue for Apple than it is for Us. I mean if it eats that much of our download limits think of that volume times user base.

    For a company that has recently come out with a way break big video files into chunks you'd think they'd be able to do the same with normal files. So we only needed to grab updated chunks.

    Mar 26, 07:05 PM
    Typical of a company that has no business model right now; become a patent troll. Kind of a shame, Kodak used to be a great company, but they got left behind by the digital revolution.

    Exactly what I was going to say. It's sad that trolling has entered real-life now, it was bad enough when it was just an online behavior propagated by children.

    Apr 27, 07:34 PM
    It should not matter what "I think" about Trump as it relates to your vote. But, I think you are trying to get a deeper sense of the candidate by asking others, which seems both reasonable yet misguided to me. My suggestion is that, at the end of the day, vote your conscience based on what HE SAYS and DOES and not what others interpret. You have a moral compass, use it.

    I asked this because I am new to politics and want to learn more about it. When people answer this question most of the time they have reasons to back it up like things the candidate has done in the past. I am just trying to learn more about politics is all. And it starts a good thread full of information for me to read.

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