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  • classique vintage

  • kironin
    Nov 8, 02:56 PM
    No spy chips, thank you.

    I envision a market for some sort of faraday cage in an iPhone carrying case though grounding it maybe a challenge.

    After-seller small business opportunity, become a chip remover or disabler perhaps.

    amputee women. s a k amputee women stumps
  • s a k amputee women stumps

  • Psilocybin
    Apr 22, 11:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Haha. The hd3000 actually is horrible. And I have proof to back that up if you'd like me to make a YouTube account. It's a joke

    amputee women. s a k amputee women stumps
  • s a k amputee women stumps

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 21, 10:15 AM
    We need to make a plan to make sure we know who each other are! Rather then going round asking god knows how any people if their from Macrumors forums xD

    amputee women. classique amputee women
  • classique amputee women

  • Cerano
    Apr 21, 09:20 AM
    You guys are forgetting that the LV and ULV version of the HD3000 is underclocked compared to the normal voltage version. So while the normal ones are the same as the 320M, the underclocked LV and ULV ones are definitely not going to match up to the 320M.

    even the normal ones cant match up to the 320m esp in windows so i wonder how a 6EU underclocked/volted HD3000 would be able to catch up:mad:


    amputee women. dhd women amputee
  • dhd women amputee

  • fistful
    Feb 12, 09:17 PM
    or just set the album as a compilation by clicking "part of a compilation" in the info tab. after you do this "compilations" will show up in the artist list.

    amputee women. and female amputee stock
  • and female amputee stock

  • Shaun.P
    Dec 16, 03:37 PM
    This is absolutely pointless and I'm sick of hearing about it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Sony who started the campaign. Think about it. If you didn't like the X Factor song, you wouldn't buy it. But now there is this silly campaign to buy the RATM song for all the people who hate the X Factor song. Sony wins in either case.

    And the reason the X Factor song is usually number one is because, well, the X Factor is popular.

    These campaigns are stupid and pointless.



    amputee women. artis amputee women
  • artis amputee women

  • Veinticinco
    Apr 7, 04:02 AM
    Nobody is upset that after 4+ years they're STILL using the chrome back?!?!?
    Easily fixed as it's always been right back to the old iPods.

    amputee women. /09/24/quad-amputee-women/
  • /09/24/quad-amputee-women/

  • yg17
    Apr 25, 11:54 AM
    Rich bastard who deserves to be shot 300 times in the heart.. Yes, I hate rich people... I am glad many died in WWII and other wars.. at least they can't take their money which is worthless anyway to heaven.

    Given your posting history in PRSI, I'm guessing you're glad that it was so many Jews who died in WWII? After all, they supposedly have all the money. :rolleyes:


    amputee women. anion amputee women
  • anion amputee women

  • tktaylor1
    Apr 25, 08:53 PM

    amputee women. amputee, amputees,
  • amputee, amputees,

  • dgalvan123
    Mar 23, 08:31 PM
    This would greatly improve the usability of airplay, in my opinion.

    Imagine you had your TV on some random channel, while surfing the internet on your iPad. If your TV supported AirPlay, then you could just click the Airplay button on your iPad, and the random channel would be changed to the Airplay content. You wouldn't have to change the tuners over to Apple TV. Much more convenient.


    I like Airplay, but the added step of having to change inputs to apple tv, while admittedly minimal, is still enough of an inconvenience to keep my wife from using it very often.

    Also, I notice that airplay doesn't seem to work when I'm playing internet radio on my apple tv 2G. I have to stop the radio from playing and back out to the main menu on the apple tv before it will accept an airplayed photo from my iphone 4, for example. Anyone else notice this behavior?


    amputee women. taiwanese girl amputee
  • taiwanese girl amputee

  • theheadguy
    Mar 19, 05:40 PM
    wtf? 4 years ago my brother (parents) had to pay $2000 for his "tablet PC" from HP in highschool. This works out to what, $470 a piece? Give me a break.
    Just take off a zero; $479 apiece. Not ... that ... hard.

    Why businesses need to often discount in the first place?
    The education sector is a large reason apple still exists in the first place. A discount isn't much to ask.

    amputee women. male amputee devotee
  • male amputee devotee

  • Celeron
    Apr 30, 03:21 PM
    Blizzard makes native games, so no, it isn't a cider port.


    amputee women. DAK Amputee Female
  • DAK Amputee Female

  • Geckotek
    Apr 12, 07:47 PM
    This is not surprising. All the Chinese resellers who were buying iPads in NYC are unlikely to buy the Verizon CDMA, because it cannot be used abroad. The GSM version (i.e. the ATT version) is one that can be used in most places abroad, as long as the iPad is unlocked.

    Wrong, China has CDMA. Same CDMA we have. (they also have another proprietary form of CDMA as well)

    However, the scalpers I've seen don't seem to be sending them to China.

    amputee women. DAK Amputee Female
  • DAK Amputee Female

  • flopticalcube
    Jun 18, 03:10 PM
    Can someone tell me how can a small SD card be able to hold 2t. If this is the case why are most External HD so much bigger?
    It doesn't at the moment. The biggest capacities are 64GB. The standard allows for cards up to 2TB, when they eventually arrive (maybe in 5-10 years).


    amputee women. amputee women hopping
  • amputee women hopping

  • alent1234
    Dec 27, 07:34 PM
    What type of fraudulent activity?

    Id theft

    find Ssn number and order iPhone
    ssn owner fights the bill
    thief resells the iPhone

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  • amputee women video prosthesis

  • ptysell
    Mar 23, 01:50 PM
    License for $4?

    Apple should license it for *free*.


    amputee women. amputee women peg leg photo
  • amputee women peg leg photo

  • diamond3
    Jan 6, 07:22 PM
    How do you block farmville? It's annoying me the amount of posts I get a day from people who've found a sparkly pure egg or a wounded badger. I'd love to not have all that guff clogging up my iPhone screen.

    I am having similar issues with notification sounds in that I get none. Not too fussed but would be nice if it did exactly what it said on the tin.

    Try going to settings->application settings
    Once the page loads, go to the drop down box and select "allowed to post"
    Find farmville and click edit settings and you can change it there.

    Also, on the news page you can go and click the hide next to any farmville news, then you can select Hide Farmville. This will prevent it from showing up in the news feed.

    amputee women. s a k amputee women stumps
  • s a k amputee women stumps

  • sand0s
    Jun 10, 04:41 PM
    it is strange that they added a fourth band (VIII - 900 frequency) which is for more of europe, asia and also vodaNZ but doesn't open up anything in the US... even stranger is that i was just in NZ and my 3G[S] (which doesn't support VIII / 900 apparently) was on the vodaNZ 3G network the whole time. anyone with knowledge of this whole UMTS / HSDPA band and frequency thing, please tell me how this worked then?

    amputee women. An amputee women friends who
  • An amputee women friends who

  • Ihatefall
    Jan 21, 09:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I have the navigon and Tom Tom apps. I got the garmin too. I have only used it a couple of times but what I can say is, it seems to download the entire map at the beginning of the trip (when you most likely had coverage).
    Yesterday I was using it in a place that just started construction and the directions took me on the detour! I like the garmin plus the included free traffic works well.

    Mar 21, 09:03 AM
    I usually get the battery life as advertised by Apple. Though I turn the screen down to two or three bars (usually three since it often flickers at two). The Macbook is also mostly used for light computing such as web browsing with Flash disabled via the Flashblock add-on for Firefox, viewing documents in MS Word or Adobe Reader and rarely watching a DVD ripped to the hard drive (only when flying).

    I could see people easily getting less battery life by leaving the brightness up, playing games or leaving Flash enabled when web browsing.

    Mar 18, 05:20 AM
    �1.30 per Litre, �5.91 per UK Gallon, $7.95 per US Gallon.

    It's a good job I enjoy cycling. :)

    Where did you find it at �1.30? I paid �1.39/l diesel yesterday in Stourbridge ($8.45 US gallon)

    Oct 27, 02:26 AM
    I sure hope that Apple does a bang up job of updating Mail.App for Leopard. I like the GUI to Mail but have to admit that it causes me a lot of grief that I've never experienced before with other mail clients...

    My fingers are crossed.

    Apr 12, 02:27 PM
    Office for Mac or Office for Windows? Easy decision.

    I haven't opened VMWare Fusion for months, since I installed Office for Mac.


    After dealing with the bugs in Excel 2011 for Mac, I have been running the PC version of Excel 2010 in Fusion ever runs far faster on the VM than Excel for the Mac runs. There is no comparison.

    I'll see if the update helps but I'm not expecting much.

    Plus a lot of add-ins aren't available, but you can get Solver for Mac now.

    To each his own, I just use the PC version because I can build large worksheets much faster in it. (using Fusion 3, Win7Pro, Excel 2010)

    May 2, 11:11 AM
    New day, same old issues.
    In speeches, less emphasis on Bin Laden, and more focus on "evil-doers" in general.

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