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  • InfoSecmgr
    Apr 6, 03:37 PM
    Because you do contracts for the Department of the Navy does not mean you know everything. Also there is more tax dollars going to waste every DAY with the current administration.

    Trust me I served for 21 years and saw waste fraud and abuse, and there aint a dam thing your going to do, as soon as you blow the whistle your career is down the toilet and that is active duty personnel and the civilian workers also.

    This about sums it up to the OP you are replying to here. I've been in for 6 years (a bit less than you obviously) but I do concur.

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  • JackAxe
    Mar 27, 09:02 PM
    So did any of you in the US get your 3DS and what are your feelings about it ? Do you share similar thoughts as I have expressed ? :)

    I read what you said about black and was about to do it. THEN, I pulled out my DS -- which is black, and powered it on, as I "was" going to trade it in, and then noticed I couldn't read the buttons in my lighting. :)

    Anyways, I went to Target and got a blue one, but only because of that. I can read the buttons here in my place.

    Anyways, i just opened by box and turned it on, so I need to set it up. The included book for this thing is HUGE! I can't recall any other Nintendo device I've owned having an instruction book this big.

    I like the weight of this thing, it's nice! And the music is vibrating the top screen. :S

    OK... WOW, that Nintendo 3DS test they did was WEIRD! :eek: Blah, I'll ramble more later, but not like it matters. :)


    If this thing had a GBA slot, I would have traded in my DS. Anyways, the 3D is a trip -- at least the rotating menu scre, but I wouldn't use it while moving.

    I only picked up Pilot Wings, so going to give it a try.


    Why does this thing have a gyro scope, if shifting the screen slightly kills the 3D effect? Anyways, I'm glad I can turn it off, but it's cool when the screen is just right. I'm just moving my 3DS too much with this game I guess.


    One last ramble for now. I don't like the gloss finish and how it feels! I didn't this on my DS Lite. Why can't they release a matte finish? The original DS was matte an my wife's red and black DS has a matte bottom.

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  • digitalbiker
    Oct 12, 11:07 AM
    OSX alone is worth spending 10 grand on a laptop.

    random wallpapers. Thank you for reviewing Rare Random Wallpapers Vol.III. Your review will be visible in a few minutes. Rare Random Wallpapers Vol.III Screenshots
  • Thank you for reviewing Rare Random Wallpapers Vol.III. Your review will be visible in a few minutes. Rare Random Wallpapers Vol.III Screenshots

  • MacRumors
    Apr 30, 09:46 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/04/30/starcraft-ii-beta-for-mac-now-available/)

    With all of the recent excitement surrounding Valve's plans (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/04/29/valve-announces-may-12th-debut-for-steam-on-mac-os-x/) to bring Steam and its games to Mac OS X, it pays to remember that other game developers are still putting out Mac versions of their releases.



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  • rasher
    Mar 21, 11:11 AM
    anyone have any luck over the weekend?

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  • Hansika Motwani-random

  • Nomadski
    Jan 6, 04:51 PM
    Apart from the streaming fail, Garmin are way too late to the party. Even when everyone was criticising TomTom, I went and bought it and it (for me) is the ultimate GPS navigator. Free map and service updates, no streaming involved, full multitasking support, been flawless in its navigation, accurate in its info (time of arrival is almost always spot on) and there's traffic when I want it for longer journeys, albeit not free.

    The mapping display also doesn't look like a Scooby Doo 'toon unlike the Garmin app, judging from these screenshots...


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  • amoda
    Nov 21, 04:05 PM
    That's actually pretty cool. And it's a good example of killing a bird with two stones. Not only does it take away the heat but it also uses the energy gained to reduce the heat remaining.

    Wish my mbp cd had that in it :(

    random wallpapers. 38 Happening Random Wallpapers
  • 38 Happening Random Wallpapers

  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 09:54 AM
    well, you have a funny way expressing yourself then because you WROTE something completely different...

    ok. this is getting comical.

    From your post, blasting me....

    A canon 55-200 EF-s and a 70-200L lens at 200mm on a canon 7D will produce the exact same image...the same as if you would mount both lenses on a full frame body and crop the image by 1.6

    Don't crop the image, and what do you have? a different image. Want proof? See post #27


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  • chrfr
    Mar 29, 09:30 AM
    Never said it was

    But you are describing totally incorrect behavior of how EF and EF-S lenses work.

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  • bobber205
    Apr 5, 02:52 PM
    Here's the gist of the problem: too generous state worker union pensions. I wouldn't be surprised that these pensions are extensively re-done to drastically cut its cost in order to reduce state budget deficits.

    You are completely, either willfully or not, ignorant of the situation in Wisconsin.

    Remember, they had a surplus until their Governor decided to give big business a tax cut almost identical to the "Deficit" they're not facing. :mad:


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  • Arsenal09
    May 3, 10:46 AM
    backlit keyboard :D

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 13, 12:39 AM
    haha, i wonder what the breakdown would eventually be :confused:

    Being in a Red State, I have noticed this week that the availability of bottles with caps is getting lower. Also since I use the "tilt" method, I am seeing fewer bottles with winning iTunes, and more with BOGO.

    Though to be honest it would seem that it would in Pepsi's best interests to get the bottles in the hands of maybe the top 25 to 50 metro areas. Now that would be an interesting map to see.


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  • Wallpapers- Lyrics - Random

  • firestarter
    Apr 5, 07:22 PM
    Frankly Apple should just commit to Thunderbolt and put those ports right on there. There is really no need for any other port.

    Except they want to sell iPhones and iPads to PC owners who will probably have USB3, not Thunderbolt.

    random wallpapers. Download Registration Random
  • Download Registration Random

  • twoodcc
    Apr 17, 10:12 PM
    I have heard of Folding@home at it sounds interesting. I like the idea of helping scientists with their experiments.

    Unfortunately I have two problems with this.

    1) Ultimately where does all this research go? Who is benefitting from it all? I can't help but think that all this research will just enable some multi-billion dollar drug company to come up with some pill that they can patent and make billions of more dollars. I tried reading the faqs of Folding@home, but it does not really say where all this research is going. I am sure the scientists mean well with their research, but ultimately they will not be the ones creating the drugs to cure these diseases. Drug companies will be doing that, and they are strictly profit oriented.

    2) My electricity prices are going up by about 10% so I really don't like the idea of my iMac running 24-7 eating up electricity, and adding to the wear and tear of my system. I'm not sure what the monthly cost would be running Folding@home, but I'm sure it adds up.

    Can anyone here comment on these concerns?

    Well you do have a point. I can't really comment about it, other than that I don't know.

    And yes, electricity costs do add up. But I still believe that it's a good thing to do


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  • indiekiduk
    Oct 26, 08:21 PM
    Try making a new mail in Firefox 2. You will see a pop up window with a tool bar at the top but otherwise blank.

    random wallpapers. Random wallpaper Lite - 1.21
  • Random wallpaper Lite - 1.21

  • Black107
    Feb 24, 12:43 AM
    The company also offers parental controls built into iOS that allow adults to completely disable in app purchasing, although many casual users may be unaware of the option's existence.

    RTFM. This is a personal issue and something that doesn't require government involvement. Why should Apple have to re-work the system to account for parents who raise greedy spoiled children?


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  • Top 10 Random Wallpapers

  • djdole
    Nov 6, 02:09 PM
    My bet is on the RFID being used as a payment device.
    Especially since :apple: stores are already good about automating the purchase process (with emailed reciepts and the like), and with Apple recently changing their in-store handheld payment devices, with the fact that Apple currently maintains a record of your payment methods. So associating your previous payment/billing method with the rfid in your phone would allow them to easily scan you previously-purchased phone, confirm against your ID then have you on your way with your purchase.
    Such as when I was in to purchase my 1st-gen iPhone, I used a credit card. Then when I upgraded to 3GS they just asked if I wanted to use the same card. It kinda shocked me that they were keeping that info, but it was quite convenient. But the only reason they were able to use my previous method was because they already knew it was me (because I was upgrading my phone). Other visits where I was just buying an accessory, I still had to whip-out my card and go through the whole process.
    If they have the RFID in the phone, then they could possibly use this for any/all other purchases (not just new iPhones).
    AND it would also allow them to identify a phone's owner if the phone were lost or stolen and returned to their store. As well as ensure that
    Additionally, they could also use it to be sure that the phone returned to them is the SAME phone that was sold, so there wouldn't be any consumer fraud.
    This would mean a decrease in profit-loss, which would eventually be passed on to consumers. :-)

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  • Random Wallpapers Lamborghini

  • ericlewis91
    Nov 11, 09:49 AM
    I can speak mac japanese! WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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  • fabsgwu
    Oct 26, 01:29 PM
    This is a very bad prescient. The universal binaries are there for a reason, Adobe is not a good Mac developer imo for this reason.

    On the other hand, the design professionals won't upgrade to Intel Macs until all of their apps are ported. Once that happens there will be a lot more incentive to switch to Intel, and in the end it will be good for Apple to really solidify the base of Intel-Mac users. I guess this is ripping the band-aid off quick and clean, but it's really not fair to a lot of users.

    Feb 24, 10:39 AM
    What a colossal waste of Taxpayer money.

    How about parents get off their lazy ass and actually parent vs shoving a gadget in their kids hands to baby sit em.

    What a joke.

    Nov 12, 09:34 AM
    Gee, you weren't laughing while you wrote this, were you? So pushy and heavy-handed while preaching us to "Lighten up," it is so... American :p
    I didn't mean to come off as pushy, and certainly was not trying to "preach" you. All I'm saying is everyone wants the world to get over racial and cultural differences so we can all get alone, but the only options are to completely ignore them, or accept them in a positive way, and it's not possible to just ignore peoples differences.

    Accept that people are different in a positive way, by using humor. If you can't accept when people find our differences humorous, then it is your problem, not ours.

    So, like I said before, yes it is funny when he says "iRife". :D

    Sep 14, 09:40 PM
    Originally posted by MacBandit

    Not truly cheaper. Not truly faster.

    I dont see how anyone can say this when I can get a 2.8 GHz custom built speed-demon for 1,300 after shopping around, and I cant get **** from apple for 1,300. Well I could get something, but nothing that compares speed-wise to the pentium 4.

    Phil A.
    Sep 26, 02:47 AM
    I wish people would actually read the letter before jumping on Apple's back! It clearly states: "While Apple, of course, has no general objection to proper use of the descriptive term podcast as part of a trademark for goods and services in the podcast field...."

    Oct 9, 04:23 PM
    If you can watch an HD movie over your satilite or cable system then somehow the cable or stilite company found a way to electronically distribute the HD content to you. That 25GB of data found a way to get into your house. Not only did it get into the huse but it did it in real time

    This is quite different from on-demand hd download. Cable and satellite bandwidth is much greater than traditional internet and it's multicast.

    However, for a 25GB movie you only need about a 4 MBPS to stream it (that is, start watching as soon as you start downloading). Most 5-6 MBPS dsl packages are available now for $35/mo, so it doesn't seem that far off.

    I think Wal-mart wanted cheaper dvd prices to be more competitive with Target and now Target is trying to get the same treatment. The winning solution is that the studios will probably allow Wal-mart and Target to sell downloadable movies, too, and everyone will be happy except for Wal-mart who will still want cheaper dvd prices.

    Truth is, the downloads are less than dvd quality, don't have extras, you need broadband internet and a fast computer or an iPod, and you can't wrap them up and give them as gifts. DVD's will continue to sell well even at a higher price (especially at Wal-mart and Target).

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