collision plate boundary

collision plate boundary. Subduction (collision plate boundary)
  • Subduction (collision plate boundary)

  • rufwork
    Apr 5, 08:41 PM
    "Wozniak: Tablet is the PC for 'normal people'"

    Because Woz would know normal people.

    collision plate boundary. +plate+oundary+diagram
  • +plate+oundary+diagram

  • susannahyork
    Sep 26, 02:11 AM
    they came in something called a frypod. This was at burger king.

    collision plate boundary. The result is a collision
  • The result is a collision

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jun 14, 05:22 PM
    Funny you should say that, because the company that designed the original 360 (and presumably this new redesign) is also the company that designs stuff for Alienware...

    Lol, thats funny.

    I dont understand why MS would put a huge vent on top of the unit. Dust will clog the fans like crazy, and with the 360's horrid stability record i would be very nervous laying it down flat on my shelf.

    collision plate boundary. collision plate boundary. a
  • collision plate boundary. a

  • sarge
    Mar 25, 10:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It isn't that they miscalculated the rise of digital, as miscalculations happen in business, it is the silly decision they made that resulted in the company divesting itself of businesses that had a future. The point is you can miscalculate a bit when it comes to how rapid you core tech will become useless but your planning should recognize that is going to happen and that you need to grow in a different direction. Instead Kodak shrunk itself down around a dying business.

    Exactly, for those folks who think Kodak was just a film company you're totally off base. They had the diversity but not the vision to adjust to the transition and ended up wholesale auctioning their future. Kinda what we're doing as a country right now.


    collision plate boundary. collision plate boundary.
  • collision plate boundary.

  • OreoCookie
    Mar 29, 08:31 AM
    You have to have a standard frame of reference which is a 35mm sensor size.
    That's correct, but you're not using this standard of reference properly: no manufacturer uses effective focal lengths to refer to lenses for dslrs (e. g. it's a 17-55 mm f/2.8 lens and not a 27-88 mm f/2.8 (equiv.) lens), be it a lens tailored for crop lenses or otherwise, but always the physical focal length. I think this is where your misunderstanding lies. This means a full frame lens and a crop lens with the same focal length with produce the same field of view on the same body. A 17-55 mm lens set to 50 mm will produce the same field of view than a nifty fifty on a crop camera (say, a 7D or a 40D).

    Note that very often, this is handled differently on compact cameras where you will often find effective focal lengths rather than actual focal lengths, the reason being that sensor sizes can vary quite widely between models.

    collision plate boundary. plate boundaries
  • plate boundaries

  • AndyGUK
    Sep 26, 10:50 AM
    Maybe I'm reading the letter wrong or perhaps just missing the point but it seems to me that Apple isn't claiming either the term "podcast ready" or "mypodder" but actually trying to stop Infostructure Solutions Inc from registering them as trademarks.

    If Infostructure Solutions are successful in their application they'd be able to stop Apple and anybody else for that matter from using either of terms (or anything closely related). The letter makes it clear it doesn't object to the use of Podcast Ready as the company's name just to it's application to trademark the name.

    It seems to me that Apple are the good guys here for once, slapping down a company that is trying to trademark terms that are already in use albeit in a niche market!


    collision plate boundary. A) Passive plate margin.
  • A) Passive plate margin.

  • macktheknife
    May 26, 12:10 AM
    Originally posted by Ryan1524
    i'm just curious about all the people that stated how PCs are troublesome when we're adding hardwares. after i installed XP, i did not even installed any driver and everything was recognized as soon as i plugged them in and working in no time, from keyboards, mouses, to routers, scanners, graphics cards, printers, digital cameras. i had the drivers ready, expecting the onslaught of hardware setup wizard typical of 98, but instead, there's the little pop up box near the system tray that stated that these hardwares have been recognized, drivers installed, and ready for use. and sure enough, they are. as for the hardware incompatibilities, remember that PC hardwares and softwares are made by two different companies, while any apple computers ae assembled and prepared by on company who manufactured both. therefore, they KNOW what their software needs in order for them to work perfectly.

    I use Macs and PCs (running XP and NT) on a regular basis. Hardware recognition ("Plug and Play") is definitely better on the Mac. However, agree almost 100% with you that Windows XP has gotten much better in recognizing hardware. Through continued industry standardization, Windows is bound to get better with recognizing hardware.

    collision plate boundary. types of plate boundaries
  • types of plate boundaries

  • AbyssImpact
    Apr 20, 02:07 PM
    Why do you guys assume Nvidia cannot make graphic cards for Sandy Bridge? Have you seen Dell's Alienware laptop line? They have the new processors and also are using Nvidia graphics card.


    collision plate boundary. collision plate boundary. convergent plate margins.
  • collision plate boundary. convergent plate margins.

  • mbprouser
    Mar 13, 11:16 AM
    VZW iPhone with no issues.

    collision plate boundary. Collision plate margin coasts
  • Collision plate margin coasts

  • fox10078
    Mar 26, 05:34 PM
    I agree with others. This is page 1 content for sure.

    This supports my theory that all this Google - Apple hate is manufactured to throw off the authorities who were starting to investigate their close ties last year. They both need each other.

    This right here has hit the nail on the head.


    collision plate boundary. A convergent plate boundary,
  • A convergent plate boundary,

  • deconai
    Sep 1, 11:25 AM
    I am amazed to recently discover Mac owners pay more on average to keep the most current OS running on their box, even though OS X is cheaper (by about $70) than comparative Windows releases. This is, of course, due to the release of a new version of OS X every 18 months or so compared to the ridiculous periods between Windows versions.

    Bravo to you Apple for creating and meeting consumer demand while increasing your profit! This is a great stock to own right now. It's rated as Buy at $75 and yet it still trades for around $67-$68. I still don't know why more people don't hold on to this stock.

    collision plate boundary. Types of Plate Boundaries
  • Types of Plate Boundaries

  • ipedro
    Apr 19, 06:51 PM
    It's not the first time that the Vietnamese got their hands on an unreleased iPhone. The question is why? It's not like that Vietnam has anything to do with anything.

    It's their prize for winning the war. They get advance previews of all American technology. :rolleyes:


    collision plate boundary. Continental collision
  • Continental collision

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 23, 11:14 PM
    Welcome king mook mook and matty-p we appreciate your joining the team!

    collision plate boundary. Plate Boundaries.
  • Plate Boundaries.

  • *LTD*
    May 5, 10:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    MS just doesn't get it. No OS X, no sale. Whenever MS tries anti-Apple marketing, they lose. They're completely out of touch, deer in the headlights style, in this new market situation. It's now becoming comical.

    They tried this garbage with their Laptop Hunters campaign a couple of years ago, where they showcased some yokels walking into a big box store and passing over Macs due to price.

    Apple went on to sell more Macs than ever before.

    Desperation breeds a lot of baloney. The PC and netbook market are contracting at an alarming rate, thanks to the effects of the post-PC era, where MS barely has any presence.

    Keep milking that Windows licensing cash cow, MS. Google and Apple have you right where they want you.

    May Steve Ballmer continue to drive MS into the ground. It's fun to watch.


    collision plate boundary. Collision boundaries-
  • Collision boundaries-

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Oct 12, 04:09 PM
    Laptops just aren't the typical gift. They are in the wrong price range.

    What? Maybe to buy for your cousin, but many parents get their children computers for Christmas. A MacBook is a great gift for a teen-aged child.

    wonder if we might see dedicated graphics for mbs now....:rolleyes:

    Boy I hope not. Unless they can get some cooler silicon off-board, giving up battery life for 12 FPS in Quake just isn't a good bargain for 97% of the market.

    collision plate boundary. Plate Tectonics - Plate
  • Plate Tectonics - Plate

  • Steelers7510
    Mar 24, 07:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    This is great for people who don't really care about having the latest and greatest! Well done Verizon, well done.


    collision plate boundary. types of plate boundaries
  • types of plate boundaries

  • thebubbatex
    Apr 12, 04:40 PM
    The survey is flawed if it's estimating US sales by polling only US buyers.

    Why is it flawed? They specifically state it is a US based survey.

    collision plate boundary. a destructive plate margin
  • a destructive plate margin

  • aluren
    Oct 6, 01:44 PM
    Yeah I don't think Apple needs to bend over backwards for developers on keeping the screen at 3.5". Developers that want to make money will naturally make apps to adjust, say if Apple sells 3 million 4" screen device in 3 months.

    I welcome the bigger screen if Apple can maintain the same retina display quality and just as thin as the iPhone 4. I would easily pay another $100 - 200 for the additional screen real estate. The HTC and Samsung phones are way too thick for my taste. And I also think that a redesign of the iPhone front screen is way over due. It's been the same in 4 generations.

    collision plate boundary. constructive plate margins
  • constructive plate margins

  • Eraserhead
    May 15, 02:38 PM
    The point was to be type-centric rather than product centric because it can be used as a net for all future products as well, while with your proposal, we might need to be adding or removing categories depending on how Apple changes their product lineup,

    Good point.

    1. Minimize Confusion by minimizing categories and subcategories.
    2. Minimize clicks by minimizing categories and subcategories

    I'm not convinced yours will do this to be honest. Your categories don't seem totally clear to me.

    3. Maximize the usefulness of the Macrumors Guides to everybody, not just the average user, and not just Macrumors users (it would still drive traffic to Macrumors though).

    4. It would cover a network of related technologies and not just Apple's products and services helping new users get the most out of their new hardware purchase (as I understand it, many new Mac users and maybe iPhone users now also end up on Macrumors looking for help, advice, and to join the Mac User community).
    5. Also serve as a reference for older and experienced users.

    Both of which are essential.

    Btw Other proposals/suggestions are also welcome, however many or few posts you have :).

    Feb 18, 11:49 AM
    Isnt Jobs a vegan? Cancer or not, not eating any animal products whatsoever is going to make you quite thin. If for no other reason than most things have animal products thus there just isnt a lot to eat.

    Personally, I so wish that was true. But in reality, not all fat persons eat meat, and not all skinny people are vegetarians.

    You can be a vegan and still stuff yourself full with carbonates, sugar and lots of different fats.

    Mar 28, 09:05 AM
    When has Apple ever made anything more than "just a small improvement"?

    To many users, Snow Leopard is just a small improvement over Leopard.

    Oct 16, 04:30 PM
    At this point, I will believe it when I see it. I think that the only thing all these Darn rumors say is how much everyone in general would love an apple phone. Done right, an iphone could easily replace most peoples phones and ipods. Add into that the possibility of home on ipod and WiFi, and I see a winner. But this is all speculation... ill belive it when i see it
    My personal dream phone would be simple yet packed:
    sleek flip phone, simple design, WiFi and Video chat capable
    I think this would really push forward communication, and make video chat a real thing. imagine if people were also using their phones at home with iChat for windows. apple sells ichat forthe PC as well, and everyone intercommunicates flawlessly where ever they are. Kind of like waht the ipod did for music the iphone could do for communication

    Mar 20, 08:15 PM
    Call or email the news desk or the editor.


    I looked at some of the contact pages on the newspaper websites. Couldn't see what department would apply to what I'm looking to do. I'll give the news desk a try. Thought that was just for submitting a story to them but I suppose asking them about covering an event might fall under that category too.

    Thanks again!

    Sep 25, 10:45 AM
    Your friend sounds like a dork. "OOOH, my HP has a Core 2 Duo! I AM SO l33t!"

    Give me a break.

    Bet OSX zooms on it though! Oh, wait, hang on..... nope it can't run it can it?!

    :cool: :rolleyes:

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